Algorithms for Sorting and Searching


Слайд 2

Binary search

Binary search

Слайд 3

Binary search

What does it mean for one element to be less than

Binary search What does it mean for one element to be less than another?

Слайд 4

Binary search

What does mean sorting?

Sorting means: to put into some well-defined

Binary search What does mean sorting? Sorting means: to put into some well-defined order.

Слайд 5

Binary search

Binary search requires the array being searched to be already sorted.

Binary search Binary search requires the array being searched to be already sorted.

Слайд 6

Binary search

Binary search has the advantage that it takes only O(lgn) time

Binary search Binary search has the advantage that it takes only O(lgn)
to search an n-element array.

Слайд 7

Binary search

The books on the bookshelf already sorted by author name.

Binary search The books on the bookshelf already sorted by author name.
position of the book is named a slot.
The key is the author name.

Слайд 8

Binary search

Binary search

Слайд 9

Binary search

Binary search

Слайд 10

Binary search

The running time of binary search is O(lgn).
! The array is

Binary search The running time of binary search is O(lgn). ! The array is already sorted.
already sorted.

Слайд 11

Selection sort

Remind: Each element is less than or equals to its following

Selection sort Remind: Each element is less than or equals to its
element in the array.

Слайд 12

Selection sort

Selection sort => on an array of six elements

Selection sort Selection sort => on an array of six elements

Слайд 13

Selection sort

What is the running time of SELECTION-SORT?


Selection sort What is the running time of SELECTION-SORT?

Слайд 14

Selection sort

The total number of inner-loop iterations is (n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+…+2+1

Selection sort The total number of inner-loop iterations is (n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+…+2+1

Слайд 15

Selection sort


It is sum of arithmetic series.



Selection sort n+(n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+…+2+1= =n(n+1)/2 It is sum of arithmetic series. (n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+…+2+1= =n(n-1)/2=(n2-n)/2

Слайд 16

Insertion sort

Insertion sort

Слайд 17

Insertion sort

Insertion sort

Слайд 18

Insertion sort

Insertion sort => on an array of six elements

Insertion sort Insertion sort => on an array of six elements

Слайд 19

Insertion sort

What do we say about the running time of INSERTION-SORT?

Insertion sort What do we say about the running time of INSERTION-SORT?

Слайд 20

Merge sort

The running times of
selection sort and insertion sort are Θ(n2)

Merge sort The running times of selection sort and insertion sort are

The running time of merge sort is Θ(nlgn) .

Θ(nlgn) better because lgn grows more
slowly than n.

Слайд 21

Merge sort


The constant factor in the asymptotic notation is higher than for

Merge sort Disadvantages: The constant factor in the asymptotic notation is higher
the other two algorithms.
If the array size n is not large, merge sort isn’t used.
2. Merge sort has to make complete copies of
all input array.
If the computer memory is important,
merge sort isn’t used also.

Слайд 22

Merge sort

Divide-and-conquer algorithm

Divide the problem into a number of subproblems that are

Merge sort Divide-and-conquer algorithm Divide the problem into a number of subproblems
smaller instances of the same problem.
Conquer. The subproblems solve recursively. If they are small, than the subproblems solve as base cases.
Combine the solutions to the subproblems into the solution for the original problem.

Слайд 23

Merge sort

Divide all index (slot) of books in two part. The center

Merge sort Divide all index (slot) of books in two part. The
of index’s books is q equals (p + r)/2.
Conquer. We recursively sort the books in each of the two subproblems: [p;q] and [q+1;r].
Combine by merging the sorted books.

Divide-and-conquer algorithm for example with bookshelf

Слайд 24

Merge sort

Merge sort

Слайд 25

Merge sort

The initial call is MERGE-SORT (A, 1, 10).

Step 2A computes q

Merge sort The initial call is MERGE-SORT (A, 1, 10). Step 2A
to be 5,
in steps 2B and 2C are MERGE-SORT (A, 1, 5)
and MERGE-SORT (A, 6, 10).

After the two recursive calls return, these two subarrays are sorted.

Слайд 26

Merge sort

At last, the call MERGE (A, 1, 5, 10) in step

Merge sort At last, the call MERGE (A, 1, 5, 10) in

The procedure MERGE is used to merge the sorted subarrays into the single sorted subarray.

Слайд 28

Merge sort

Let’s look at just the part of the bookshelf from slot

Merge sort Let’s look at just the part of the bookshelf from
9 through slot 14.
We have sorted the books in slots 9–11 and that we have sorted the books in slots 12–14.

Слайд 29

Merge sort

We take out the books in slots 9–11 and make a

Merge sort We take out the books in slots 9–11 and make
stack of them, with the book whose author is alphabetically first on top,
and we do the same with the books in slots 12–14.

Слайд 30

Merge sort

Because the two stacks are already sorted, the book that should

Merge sort Because the two stacks are already sorted, the book that
go back into slot 9 must be one of the books atop its stack.
We see that the book by Dickens comes before the book by Flaubert, and so we move it into slot 9.

Слайд 31

Merge sort

Into slot 10 must be the book still atop the first

Merge sort Into slot 10 must be the book still atop the
stack, by Flaubert, or the book now atop the second stack, by Jack London. We move the Flaubert book into slot 10.

Слайд 32

Merge sort

Merge sort

Слайд 33

Merge sort

Merge sort

Слайд 35

Merge sort

Let’s say that sorting a subarray of n elements takes time

Merge sort Let’s say that sorting a subarray of n elements takes
The time T(n) comes from the three components of the divide-and-conquer algorithm:
Dividing takes constant time, because it amounts to just computing the index q.
Conquering consists of the two recursive calls on subarrays, each with n/2 elements. It is time T(n/2).
Combining the results of the two recursive calls by merging the sorted subarrays takes Θ(n) time.

T(n)=T(n/2)+T(n/2)+Θ(n)=2T(n/2)+Θ(n) => T(n)= Θ(nlgn)

Слайд 36

Quick sort

Quicksort uses the divide-and-conquer paradigm and uses recursion.
There are some differences

Quick sort Quicksort uses the divide-and-conquer paradigm and uses recursion. There are
from merge sort:
Quicksort works in place.
Quicksort’s worst-case running time is Θ(n2) but its average-case running time is better: Θ(nlg n).
Quicksort is often a good sorting algorithm to use in practice.

Слайд 37

Quick sort

Divide by first choosing any one book that is in slots

Quick sort Divide by first choosing any one book that is in
p through r. Call this book the pivot.
Rebuild the books on the shelf so that all other books with author names that come before the pivot’s author are to the left of the pivot, and all books with author names that come after the pivot’s author are to the right of the pivot.
The books to the left of the book by London are in no particular order, and the same is true for the books to the right.
Conquer by recursively sorting the books to the left of the pivot and to the right of the pivot.
Combine – by doing nothing!

Слайд 38

Quick sort

Quick sort

Слайд 39

Quick sort

The procedure PARTITION (A, p, r) that partitions the subarray A[p;

Quick sort The procedure PARTITION (A, p, r) that partitions the subarray
r], returning the index q where it has placed the pivot.

Слайд 41

Quick sort

Quick sort

Слайд 42

Quick sort

Quick sort

Слайд 43

Quick sort

In better case quicksort has the running time Θ(nlgn).
In the worst

Quick sort In better case quicksort has the running time Θ(nlgn). In
case quicksort has the running time Θ(n2).
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