EU Common Market


Слайд 2

EU Common Market

Freedom of movement of goods (most developed and most court

EU Common Market Freedom of movement of goods (most developed and most
Freedom of movement of persons
Freedom of movement of services
Freedom of movement of capital
Freedom of establishment

Слайд 3

EU Common Market

Meaning of “Freedom”
A principle of EU internal market
A subjective right

EU Common Market Meaning of “Freedom” A principle of EU internal market
of EU citizens and firms
A complex of rights and obligations, connected with such “freedom”
Rule for freedoms – “All EU principles applicable”

Слайд 4

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Goods – all products rightfully produced

EU Common Market - movement of goods Goods – all products rightfully
within the EU, as well as all third country products imported with all formalities completed and custom duties paid)
The “movement of goods” is applied also to possible barriers within each EU country

Слайд 5

EU Common Market - movement of goods

“Community should be based on

EU Common Market - movement of goods “Community should be based on
union, which should include prohibition of all
custom duties and all charges having similar
effect, as well as introduction of common
custom tariff with respect to third countries”
This prohibits quotation and any
discriminative taxation.

Слайд 6

EU Common Market - movement of goods

“Effect test”
Procureur de Roi v. Dassonville.

EU Common Market - movement of goods “Effect test” Procureur de Roi v. Dassonville.

Слайд 7

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Belgium had no right to stop

EU Common Market - movement of goods Belgium had no right to
the Scotch whiskey import from France, on the grounds of non-availability of a certificate of origin from a Scottish producer.
Reason – whiskey was already rightfully imported into the EU.

Слайд 8

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Dassonville results:
Any rules which can directly

EU Common Market - movement of goods Dassonville results: Any rules which
or indirectly hinder the intergovernmental trade (actually or potentially) should be banned
Consumer protection trade rules should be “reasonable”, “should not create a trade obstacle” and “should be available to all EU citizens”

Слайд 9

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Any charges regardless of size, aim,

EU Common Market - movement of goods Any charges regardless of size,
Imposed single-handedly on EU or EU-imported goods
Fact of crossing the border
Non-custom duties

Слайд 10

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Allowed, if:
Charge is part of national

EU Common Market - movement of goods Allowed, if: Charge is part
tax system;
Charge is the compensation for services, provided to importer;
Charge compensates the cost of legal inspection.

Слайд 11

EU Common Market - movement of goods

What about the rules which apply

EU Common Market - movement of goods What about the rules which
to both national and non-national producers?
Cassis de Dijon

Слайд 12

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Real case name - Rewe-Zentral AGRewe-Zentral

EU Common Market - movement of goods Real case name - Rewe-Zentral
AG v Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein
German legislation had imposed several provisions concerning the minimum alcohol content for beverages – 25%.
Importer had 20%. Can’t advertise.

Слайд 13

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Court statement – “Not reasonable”
“If there

EU Common Market - movement of goods Court statement – “Not reasonable”
is no EU rule on a certain matter, states can make such rules by themselves, aimed at fiscal control, public health, honesty and consumer protection, as long as they are reasonable and proportionate”.

Слайд 14

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Cassis results:
Reason test
Mutual recognition rule (if

EU Common Market - movement of goods Cassis results: Reason test Proportionality
produced in one, can be sold in another)

Слайд 15

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Lots of discrimination cases:
“Comission v. Italy”

EU Common Market - movement of goods Lots of discrimination cases: “Comission
– difficult registration
“Rewe” – plant sanitation inspection
“Bouhelier” – export “quality” control
“Commission v Germany”
(“Beer Purity” law)….

Слайд 16

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Quotas and such – any full

EU Common Market - movement of goods Quotas and such – any
or partial quantitive limitation of legal and administration nature, whether in money or pcs
2/73, Geddo v. Ente Nazionale Risi

Слайд 17

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Limitations to movement of goods
Public morale

EU Common Market - movement of goods Limitations to movement of goods
Health protection
National heritage protection
Commercial or industrial property protection

Слайд 18

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Public Morale
The court approved the prohibition

EU Common Market - movement of goods Public Morale The court approved
of pornographic materials import from Netherlands to UK, because such products could not be made in UK.
The court cancelled the prohibition of rubber dolls import (based on same legislation) from Germany, because such production was legal within UK.

Слайд 19

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Health protection
“Special beer recipe” for sales

EU Common Market - movement of goods Health protection “Special beer recipe”
in Germany was prohibited, as well as special pasta recipe for sales in Italy
However, the requirement for food producers to print out potential risk informaiton about artificial additives on food packages was held legal

Слайд 20

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Public security
Campus Oil v Minister for

EU Common Market - movement of goods Public security Campus Oil v
Industry and Energy.
Essence: All petroleum importers had to buy 35% of their import from a state oil refinery.
Court approved with remarks.

Слайд 21

EU Common Market - movement of goods

Public order
Very wide range of different

EU Common Market - movement of goods Public order Very wide range
Court finally stated, that only dangers to fundamental public interests can be defended by this concept, and not some specific areas, for example, consumer rights protection.
A state should first try all other instruments.

Слайд 22

EU Common Market - movement of persons

Parts of freedom
Residence movement
Workers and their

EU Common Market - movement of persons Parts of freedom Residence movement
Non-EU Workers and their families
Shengen agreements

Слайд 23

EU Common Market - movement of persons

“Absence of all discrimination on the

EU Common Market - movement of persons “Absence of all discrimination on
grounds of citizenship of member-states workers concerning hire, reimburcement and other terms of work and hiring”
A “worker” is any EU citizen carrying out a work for hire in another member state.
This includes part-time, below-min-wage workers, anyone performing “a real and effective activity”
Only EU law can interpret what a “worker” is.
Students and entrepreneurs are not workers.

Слайд 24

EU Common Market - movement of persons

Most important features:
A worker can accept

EU Common Market - movement of persons Most important features: A worker
any job offer in any member state.
After retiring from it, a worker can stay and look for work on the same ground with the host country citizens
The same goes for their family members
All issues concerning medical and social care, wage level should be the same as
An arriving worker can also receive the pension in the host state

Слайд 25

EU Common Market - movement of persons

Limitations to movement of persons
Public order/security

EU Common Market - movement of persons Limitations to movement of persons
Health protection

Слайд 26

EU Common Market - movement of persons

Public order/security
Van Duyn v Home office

EU Common Market - movement of persons Public order/security Van Duyn v
The British government denied Yvonne Van Duyn an entry permit because she was affiliated with the Scientology religion, which the government had believed to be socially harmful.

Слайд 27

EU Common Market - movement of persons

Van Duyn results:
Participation in a certain

EU Common Market - movement of persons Van Duyn results: Participation in
organization can be a ground for movement of persons limitation
It’s the views of the destination state on issue that matter
Absolute equality between host and visiting persons is not achievable

Слайд 28

EU Common Market - movement of persons

Public service
The movement of persons freedom

EU Common Market - movement of persons Public service The movement of
is not applicable to public service positions
Public service – “a number of posts, which are connected with authority execution in accordance with public law and a duty to protect national interests”
Police, military, public officers, having real authority (not just financed by state budget)

Слайд 29

EU Common Market – freedom of establishment

“Freedom of movement of persons” for

EU Common Market – freedom of establishment “Freedom of movement of persons”
legal entities
Entrepreneur movement
Legal entity establishment freedom

Слайд 30

EU Common Market – freedom of establishment

An entrepreneur will have no restrictions

EU Common Market – freedom of establishment An entrepreneur will have no
for setting up and management of companies, branches, agencies and associated firms
For the purposes of this freedom, a legal entity will be equated to a person.
Non-commercial organizations limitation

Слайд 31

EU Common Market – freedom of establishment

Official duties execution (each state decides)

EU Common Market – freedom of establishment Limitations Official duties execution (each
Public security
Health protection

Слайд 32

EU Common Market - movement of services

All payable activities not falling under

EU Common Market - movement of services All payable activities not falling
the regulations of goods, persons and capital movement shall be considered to be “services”
Two types:
Services provided at the producer turf
Services provided at the consumer turf

Слайд 33

EU Common Market - movement of services

All restrictions, access limitations and discrimination

EU Common Market - movement of services All restrictions, access limitations and
aimed at service provision at the territory of another member-state, should be removed.
No need to comply with all the national rules regulating the provision of similar services by host citizens.
Capital and transport are not regulated by this freedom. Most services require a separate “liberalization” regulation by the EU.
Official duties limitation.

Слайд 34

EU Common Market - movement of capital

Capital Current payments

EU Common Market - movement of capital Freedom Capital Current payments

Слайд 35

EU Common Market - movement of capital

Capital freedom:
Finance operations connected with investment

EU Common Market - movement of capital Capital freedom: Finance operations connected
member-state investment itself
Non-return of invested funds to deriving country for a reasonable period
Luisi and Carbone v Ministero del Tesoro

Слайд 36

EU Common Market - movement of capital

Current payments freedom:
Simple transfer of foreign

EU Common Market - movement of capital Current payments freedom: Simple transfer
currency between two states
Such transfer should be a payment for a service
The member-state currency should used (either creditor or beneficiary)

Слайд 37

EU Common Market - movement of capital

Taxation law usage
National law infringement prevention

EU Common Market - movement of capital Limitations: Taxation law usage National
and statistics information gathering procedures
Public policy and security provisions
Most regulations – in national law (FDI, Financial services, Securities governance)

Слайд 38

EU Common Market – Consumer right protection

Approach difference
Rights protected:
Health and security
Economic interests

EU Common Market – Consumer right protection Approach difference Rights protected: Health
Information and training
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