- 2. Agenda Custom objects Constructors Context and "this" Operator "new"
- 3. Custom Object
- 4. Object creation You know that we can create a simple object in JavaScript. We use JSON
- 5. Object or Hash Table But this way it looks like hash table creation. What is the
- 6. Object or Hash Table Typically we use hash table if we want to represent some collection,
- 7. Difference in use There are some differences in using of hash tables and objects as a
- 8. Constructors
- 9. Constructors Sometimes we need to create more than one single object. It is not a good
- 10. Constructors: example function Cat (name) { this.name = name; this.run = function () { console.log(this.name +
- 11. Context and "this"
- 12. Context Let's imagine two identical objects. They are created by Cat constructor: var murzyk = new
- 13. Context If we call method run() for both cats, we’ll take correct results: murzyk.run(); barzyk.run(); In
- 14. Context It works because we use the next form of access to attribute name: this.name. this
- 15. Loss of context Be careful! There are situations when you can lose a context. For example:
- 16. Operator new
- 17. Pre-example Imagine that some abstract factory produces cars. All cars are absolutely identical: [1]
- 18. Pre-example But there are some emergency services and each of them has an own color scheme
- 19. New: scenario of work new processing has a similar scenario: creation of default object calling of
- 20. New: example creation of default object var murzyk = new Cat("Murzyk"); var _temporary_ref = new Object();
- 21. New: example calling of constructor with just created object context var murzyk = new Cat("Murzyk"); _temporary_ref.Cat();
- 22. New: example modification of default object var murzyk = new Cat("Murzyk"); this.name = "Murzyk"; this.run =
- 23. New: example returning and saving the reference to modified object var murzyk = new Cat(“Murzyk”); var
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