Слайд 2

The overall planning process

A. Planning is a two-part function--setting goals and determining

The overall planning process A. Planning is a two-part function--setting goals and
how to try to achieve the goals.
1. A goal (often used interchangeably with "objective") is a future target or end result that an organization wishes to achieve.
2. A plan is the means devised for attempting to reach a goal.

Слайд 3

B. An organization's mission is the organization's purpose or fundamental reason forexistence.

B. An organization's mission is the organization's purpose or fundamental reason forexistence.
A mission statement is a broad declaration of the basic, unique purpose and scope of operations that distinguishes the organization from others of this type.
2. A mission statement serves a variety of purposes.
a. For managers, a mission statement can be a benchmark against which to evaluate success.
b. For employees, mission statements define a common purpose, nurture organizational loyalty, and help foster a sense of community amongmembers.
c. For external groups, mission statements help provide unique insights into an organization's values and future directions

Слайд 4

3.The mission statement typically defines the organization in terms of the important

3.The mission statement typically defines the organization in terms of the important
attributes of the organization. Answers to many of these questions are answered using information and processes described in the two previous chapters in the text.
a. Customers: Who are the organization's customers?
b. Products or services: What are the organization's major products or services?

Слайд 5

c. Location: Where does the organization compete?
d. Technology: What is the firms'

c. Location: Where does the organization compete? d. Technology: What is the
basic technology?
e. Philosophy: What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and philosophical priorities of the organization?
f. Self-concept: What are the organization's major strengths and competitive advantages?
g. Concern for public image: what are the organization's public responsibilities and what image is desired?
h. Concern for employees: What is the organization's attitude toward its employees?

Слайд 6

Types of Plans

Plans can be described by their breadth, time frame, specificity,

Types of Plans Plans can be described by their breadth, time frame,
and frequency of use.
a. Breadth: strategic versus operational plans. Strategic plans are those that are organization wide, establish overall objectives, and position an organization in terms of its environment. Operational plans are plans that specify details on how overall objectives are to be achieved.
b. Time frame: short-term versus long-term plans. Short-term plans are plans that cover one year or less. Long-term plans are those that extend beyond three years. Specificity: specific versus directional plans.
c. Specific plans are those that are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation. Directional plans are flexible plans that set out general guidelines.

Слайд 7

The Nature of organizational Goals

A. The use of goals has several benefits.

The Nature of organizational Goals A. The use of goals has several
can be improved.
2. Expectations can be improved.
3. The Controlling function can be facilitated so that progress can be assessed and corrective action taken.
4. Meeting goals can increase motivation

Слайд 8

B. The three levels of goals within an organization form a hierarchy

B. The three levels of goals within an organization form a hierarchy
of goals, with lower-level goals forming a mean-end chain with the next level of goals.
4. Strategic goals are broadly defined targets or future end results set by top management.
5. Tactical goals are the targets or future end results usually set by middle management for specific departments or units.
6. Operational goals are those targets or future end results set by lower management that address specific, measurable outcomes required from the lower levels

Слайд 9

How Goals Facilitate Performance

The content of goals should meet five criteria.
1. Challenging

How Goals Facilitate Performance The content of goals should meet five criteria.
goals usually lead to higher performance from individuals and groups.
2. Attainable goals, not impossible demands, are more likely to improve performance.
3.Specific and measurable goals are needed so that it is clear when they have been achieved.

Слайд 10

4. Time-limited goals give them meaning.
5. Relevant goals enable employees to see

4. Time-limited goals give them meaning. 5. Relevant goals enable employees to
the purpose of the goals and to devise ways of meeting them.
6. Measurable means the performance and targets can be measured after an interval of time.

Слайд 11

Goal commitment is one's attachment to, or determination to reach, a goal.

Goal commitment is one's attachment to, or determination to reach, a goal.
Without commitment goals have little impact on performance. Managers can help foster commitments in a number of ways.

Слайд 12

1. Supervisory authority should serve to motivate employees to meet their goals.

1. Supervisory authority should serve to motivate employees to meet their goals.
Peer and group pressure may serve as motivation.
3. Expectations of success can be improved by managerial coaching andinstruction.
4. Incentives are offered during the goal-setting process; rewards occur upon goal achievement.

Слайд 13

Obstacles to planning exist, but may be countered by organizations.

1.Obstacles to planning

Obstacles to planning exist, but may be countered by organizations. 1.Obstacles to
threaten the ability of organizations to develop effective plans.
a. Plans in a rapidly changing environment require frequent revisions. Manager may resist formalized planning if they believe planning is unnecessary. The pressure of day-to-day responsibilities may keep managers from planning. Managers may be poorly prepared. Staff specialists may come to dominate the planning process
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