Performance review. Reactive programming

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Projects support

Skycart: reduced application size by more than 16 MB, fixed bugs,

Projects support Skycart: reduced application size by more than 16 MB, fixed
added new functionality
I am here: implemented from scratch adhering to the principles of Clean architecture
Other projects: consulting other developers

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Project that demonstrates getting list of contacts via ContentResolver that are shared

ContentResolver Project that demonstrates getting list of contacts via ContentResolver that are
by Contacts app via ContentProvider

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Reactive programming

Reactive programming

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Dagger: powerfull library that is supported by Google
Koin: Service Locator that provides

DI Dagger: powerfull library that is supported by Google Koin: Service Locator
laconic API for DI
Kodein: powerfull library with runtime codegen

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Project that demonstrates 4 different ways to animate button

Animations Project that demonstrates 4 different ways to animate button

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This interface available in all application components
Its onTrimMemory method is called when

ComponentCallbacks2 This interface available in all application components Its onTrimMemory method is
the OS has determined that process needs to trim memory
You should never compare to exact values of the level.  Compare if the value is greater or equal to a needed level instead
Имя файла: Performance-review.-Reactive-programming.pptx
Количество просмотров: 52
Количество скачиваний: 0