Neutrino Properties on the Basis of Neutrinoless


Слайд 2

0+g.s.→ 0+g.s

0+g.s.→ 0+g.s

Feynman diagrams at the quark level for:

two-neutrino double beta decay

0νββLMN 0+g.s.→ 0+g.s 2νββ 0+g.s.→ 0+g.s Feynman diagrams at the quark level
in SM)

neutrinoless double beta decay
LNM- light Majorana neutrino mechanism
(beyond SM)

(A,Z) -> (A,Z+2) + 2 e- + {2ν}

Слайд 3

46Ca, 48Ca, 70Zn, 76Ge, 80Se, 82Se, 86Kr, 94Zr, 96Zr, 98Mo, 100Mo, 104Ru,

46Ca, 48Ca, 70Zn, 76Ge, 80Se, 82Se, 86Kr, 94Zr, 96Zr, 98Mo, 100Mo, 104Ru,
110Pd, 114Cd, 116Cd, 122Sn, 124Sn, 128Te, 130Te, 134Xe, 136Xe, 142Ce, 146Nd, 148Nd, 150Nd, 154Sm, 160Gd, 170Er, 176Yb, 186W, 192Os, 198Pt, 204Hg, 216Po, 220Rn, 222Rn, 226Ra, 232Th, 238U, 244Pu, 248Cm, 254Cf, 256Cf, 260Fm

The following known nuclides with A ≤ 260 are theoretically capable of double beta decay, where the red color is the isotopes in which the double beta rate has been measured experimentally, and the black color has yet to be measured experimentally:

The following known nuclides with A ≤ 260 are theoretically capable of double electron capture, where the red color is the isotopes for which the double electron capture rate has been measured, and the black color has not yet been measured experimentally:

36Ar, 40Ca, 50Cr, 54Fe, 58Ni, 64Zn, 74Se, 78Kr, 84Sr, 92Mo, 96Ru, 102Pd, 106Cd, 108Cd, 112Sn, 120Te, 124Xe, 126Xe, 130Ba, 132Ba, 136Ce, 138Ce, 144Sm, 148Gd, 150Gd, 152Gd, 154Dy, 156Dy, 158Dy, 162Er, 164Er, 168Yb, 174Hf, 180W, 184Os, 190Pt, 196Hg, 212Rn, 214Rn, 218Ra, 224Th, 230U, 236Pu, 242Cm, 252Fm, 258No



Слайд 8

Effects of a quenched gA on NMEs of 0 decays:

Effects of a quenched gA on NMEs of 0 decays:

Слайд 9

In order to exclude the inverted ordering allowed range for mββ (in

In order to exclude the inverted ordering allowed range for mββ (in
there is no sterile neutrino), one would need to constrain mββ ~10 meV, which corresponds to T0ν 1/2 ≃ 1 × 1028 year, with some dependence on the material (phase space and NME). This means that none of the current generation experiments will be able to reach the required sensitivity, and we will have to wait for next generation upgrades and new projects.

Global fit: the Bayesian analysis to the 2018 publicly available oscillation and cosmological data sets
provides strong evidence for the normal neutrino mass ordering vs. the inverted scenario, with a significance of 3.5 standard deviations.

Neutrino Mass Ordering From Oscillations and Beyond:
2018 Status and Future Prospects
Pablo F. de Salas, Stefano Gariazzo, Olga Mena*, Christoph A. Ternes and Mariam Tórtola
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences | October 2018 | Volume 5 | Article 36 /
published: 09 October 2018 doi: 10.3389/fspas.2018.00036

Слайд 10

11.5 kg of enriched in 76Ge detectors,
0.11 counts/(kg keV y) around

11.5 kg of enriched in 76Ge detectors, 0.11 counts/(kg keV y) around
2040 keV
T1/2 (0νββ) > 1.9 x 1025 yr (90% C.L.) Eur.Phys. Jurn. A 12 (2001) 147

35.6 kg of enriched in 76Ge detectors
LAr scintillation Veto,
0.0005 counts/(kg keV y) near ROI
T1/2 (0νββ) > 1.8 x1026 yr (90% C.L.)
mββ < 0.08- 0.18 eV
exposure 1288 mole yr (Phases I+II)


1990- 2003


2014- 2020

~ 20 yeas

Слайд 11



Слайд 12



Слайд 13


Present & Future


GERDA-II at LNGS Present & Future LEGEND-200 at LNGS

Слайд 15

моды ββ-распада и поиск других редких процессов в GERDA ( …

моды ββ-распада и поиск других редких процессов в GERDA ( … и

0νββLMN - light Majorana neutrino mechanism

Слайд 16

For more details see: А.А.Smolnikov, GERDA Searches for 0νββ and other ββ

For more details see: А.А.Smolnikov, GERDA Searches for 0νββ and other ββ
Decay Modes of 76Ge, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2165, 020024, 1-4, 2019

Слайд 17

Phase I and Phase II data together give a total exposure of

Phase I and Phase II data together give a total exposure of
127.2 kg yr, which corresponds to 1288 mol yr of 76Ge. The combined analysis has a best fit for null signal strength, and provides a half-life limit of

Final Results of GERDA on the Search for 0νββ decay of 76Ge

arXiv:2009.06079v1 [nucl-ex] 13 Sep 2020
submitted to PRL

Слайд 18

Phase II (2.03 ± 0.02) ⋅1021 yr After LAr Veto performance

Survival fraction between

Phase II (2.03 ± 0.02) ⋅1021 yr After LAr Veto performance Survival
0.6 and 1.3 MeV:
(68.6 ± 0.3)%
T1/2(2ν2β) fixed as 2.03 1021 yr
40K and 42K continua
strongly suppressed



Only 2νββ left

Half-life of 2νββ decay of 76Ge

(1.926 ± 0.094) ⋅1021 yr

From Phase I

Слайд 19

0νββ with liquid scintillators KamLAND-Zen

К. Гусев | РХЛ | 06.07.2020

0νββ with liquid scintillators KamLAND-Zen К. Гусев | РХЛ | 06.07.2020

Слайд 21

SNO+ D=12 m Te-130 = 0.5% in LSTe

SNO+ D=12 m Te-130 = 0.5% in LSTe

Слайд 24

0νββ with bolometers CUORE

К. Гусев | РХЛ | 06.07.2020

0νββ with bolometers CUORE К. Гусев | РХЛ | 06.07.2020

Слайд 25

0νββ with bolometers CUORE

К. Гусев | РХЛ | 06.07.2020

0νββ with bolometers CUORE К. Гусев | РХЛ | 06.07.2020

Слайд 26

0νββ with bolometers CUORE

К. Гусев | РХЛ | 06.07.2020

0νββ with bolometers CUORE К. Гусев | РХЛ | 06.07.2020

Слайд 30

AgAgostini et al., Science 365 , 1445-1448 (2019) 27 Septembre 2019

AgAgostini et al., Science 365 , 1445-1448 (2019) 27 Septembre 2019

Слайд 32

GERDA SENSITIVITY CALCULATIONS It was used BAT-0.9.4. mtf model: apriori ,Gauss,flat,1/sqrt(S).

GERDA SENSITIVITY CALCULATIONS It was used BAT-0.9.4. mtf model: apriori ,Gauss,flat,1/sqrt(S). Two
Two channels: PhaseI + PhaseII
PhaseI – 61 EVENTS; FWHM = 4.13 keV
PHASEII – 13 EVENTS; FWHM = 3.29 keV
5 channels: Golden+Silver+BEGe+PhaseI+ + PhaseII
(47+9) EVENTS / 4.26 keV 3 EVENTS / 2.73
2 EVENTS / 4.16 keV


Слайд 33

Poissons in the energy interval 260 keV with line

BAT SENSITIVITY Poissons in the energy interval 260 keV with line y
y = 1.417 – 5.742e-4*E
0) Systematics – E, FWHM, Eff
A) full region [ 1930,2190] keV
B) with exclusion of effect region – [2037,2041] keV
C) statistics – 5000 FITS


GERDA final – per ALL detectors were made 408 partitions, i.e. time intervals with stable resolution and efficiency.

Слайд 34

Blue - 2 channels Red-5 channels


Blue - 2 channels Red-5 channels 2/24/2021

Слайд 35



Слайд 36



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