Discoveries in medicine


Слайд 2


1.    Буква “a” читается как:
[ɔ:] перед сочетанием “l”+ согласная
(перед “k”+ согласная “l” не читается)

salt [sɔ:lt]
                              wall [wɔ:l]
                              chalk [t∫ɔ:k]
[a:] перед “f”, “n”, “s”, “t”+ согласная
                            staff [sta:f]
                            dance [da:ns]
                            past [pa:st]
                            path [pa:θ]
[a:] перед сочетаниями “lm”, “lf”. В этих сочетаниях согласная “l” не читается.
                            half [ha:f]

Слайд 3

2.    Буква “i” читается как [ai] перед сочетаниями “ld’, “nd’:
                                        mild [maild]
                                        kind [kaind]
3.    Буква “o” читается как:
       [əʊ] перед сочетаниями “ld”, “lt”,

2. Буква “i” читается как [ai] перед сочетаниями “ld’, “nd’: mild [maild]
                            old [əʊld]
                            holt [həʊlt]
                            post [pəʊst]
         [Λ]   перед “m”, “n”, “th”, “v”:
                            come [cΛm]
                            month [mΛnθ]
                            another [ən ׳Λðə]
                            glove [glΛv]
          [əʊ] в конце слова:
                            potato [pə׳teitəʊ]
                            hero [׳hiərəʊ]

Слайд 4

4.  Сочетания “ough”, “augh” читаются как [ɔ:]:
                                        thought [θɔ:t]
                                        daughter [׳dɔ:tə]
5.    Сочетание “igh” читается как [ai]
                                        high [hai]
                                        fight [fait]

4. Сочетания “ough”, “augh” читаются как [ɔ:]: thought [θɔ:t] daughter [׳dɔ:tə] 5.

Слайд 5

Тренировочные упражнения
[ɔ:]  also,false, salt, alter, bald, almost, already, always, walnut, all, ball, call, fall, gall, tall, wall, balk, calk, chalk, stalk, talk, walk
[a:] ask, answer, pass, grass, plant, bath, path, father, rather, fasten, can’t, after, class, chance
[ai] child, mild, wild, bind, blind, behind, find, kind, mind
[əʊ] old, cold, bold, told, sold, gold, fold, hold, scold, bolt, colt, dolt, molten, host, most, post, poster 
[Λ]   some, come, comfort, company, stomach, become, compass, none, money, monkey, son, ton, sponge, monk, month, Monday, London, front, won, among, 
done, tongue, monger, onion, dove, glove, love, above, cover, govern, oven, 
mother, brother, nothing, other, another.

Тренировочные упражнения [ɔ:] also,false, salt, alter, bald, almost, already, always, walnut, all,

Слайд 6

Disease наука
Middle Age дифтерия
Science чума
Plague средние века
Influenza тиф
Typhoid болезнь
Diphtheria грипп

Disease наука Middle Age дифтерия Science чума Plague средние века Influenza тиф Typhoid болезнь Diphtheria грипп

Слайд 7

Control hometask

1.What diseases took millions of lives in the middle ages?
2.What were

Control hometask 1.What diseases took millions of lives in the middle ages?
important developments during the Middle ages?
3. When and where did the first hospitals appear?
4.What were hospitals founded for?
5.What sciences did students study in the universities in the Middle ages?

Слайд 8

1.What diseases took millions of lives in the middle ages?

A fever, measles,

1.What diseases took millions of lives in the middle ages? A fever,
B diphtheria, fever, typhoid
C diphtheria, rikets, fever

Слайд 9

2.What were important developments during the Middle ages?
1\A.medicines 2\B. doctors 3\C.hospitals

2.What were important developments during the Middle ages? 1\A.medicines 2\B. doctors 3\C.hospitals

Слайд 10

3. When and where did the first hospitals appear?
1\A. 4th century В.С.

3. When and where did the first hospitals appear? 1\A. 4th century
in Ceylon and in 360 in India 2\B. 5th century В.С. in Ceylon and in 260 in India 3\C. 6th century В.С. in Ceylon and in 400 in India

Слайд 11

4.What were hospitals founded for?
1\A. to isolate sick people 2\B. to treat

4.What were hospitals founded for? 1\A. to isolate sick people 2\B. to
sick people 3\ examine sick people

Слайд 12

5.What sciences did students study in the universities in the Middle ages?

5.What sciences did students study in the universities in the Middle ages?
a human body and all diseases 2\B. a human body and some diseases 3\C. a human body and any diseases

Слайд 13

p. 135-138 Английский язык Козырева Л.Г.

p. 135-138 Английский язык Козырева Л.Г.
Имя файла: Discoveries-in-medicine.pptx
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