Слайд 2What is it?
Stabilometric system in biomedical areas is a device for

recording the oscillations (колебания) of the projection of the center of mass of a person onto the support plane (плоскость опоры).
Слайд 3what for?
Stabilometry is used for diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated

with motor disorders, vestibular apparatus and visual analyzers.
Слайд 4A bit of theory from medicine
The area of support in the

vertical position of a person is limited by the space that is under the soles and between the feet.
The central point of the vertical line of the center of gravity on the foot is 5 cm in front of the calcaneal hillock (пятка). The sagittal size (сагиттальный (поперечный) размер) of the support area always prevails over the frontal, and therefore the displacement of the vertical line of the center of gravity is easier to move to the right and left than the back, and it is especially difficult to move forward.
Слайд 5Stabilometry parameters
1)The difference in the oscillations of the center of mass

of the object (projection onto the platform) in the frontal, sagittal plane. The result is the stabilogram.
2) The trajectory of oscillations and their speed. The result is a statokinesiogram. When analyzing the results of stabilometry, all its indicators are based on these basic parameters.
Слайд 8In our case the stabilometric system contains
stable platform
video capture camera (камера

rangefinder (дальномер)
glasses of augmented (дополненной) or virtual reality
data collection tool (computer)
Слайд 9How does this work?
The video capture camera and the range finder fix

the position of the person, and the key points (knee joints, hips, shoulder joints, brushes, etc. for a total of 20 points)
Further on the glasses is an image: a person is on the road, which moves forward, but there are obstacles on the way that you need to step over. At this time, with a certain frequency, the system removes the position of each key point.
On the output we have a table on which the diagrams are constructed.
Слайд 10Problems of this method
interpretation of data
individual characteristics of a person