- 2. Look through the code and write on chat what is wrong here?
- 3. Look through the code and write on chat what is wrong here?
- 4. Look through the code and write on chat what is wrong here?
- 5. No output Look through the code and write on chat what is wrong here?
- 6. Look through the code and write on chat what is wrong here?
- 7. Types of errors Learning objectives describe execution errors at programme startup describe a syntax
- 8. Learners will be able to: Know what different types of programming errors can occur. Describe different
- 9. Activity 2. Group work (7 min) Task: Complete the mindmap on topic of error types together
- 10. Syntax Errors Spelling mistakes Missing out quotes Missing out brackets Using upper case characters in key
- 11. Run-time Errors Infinite Loop Memory De-allocation Datatype mismatch Logical errors Type-checking errors
- 12. Logical Errors Incorrect Logic Improper Algorithm to code translation Miscalculations Infinite loops
- 13. Formal logic (also known as “mathematical logic”) is the flavor of logic that comes to mind
- 14. Case 1 Case 2 What is the difference? Why do we have such error?
- 15. Exception An exception is an object that describes an error or unexpected behaviour of a script/code.
- 16. Latent Errors Latent Errors are the ‘hidden’ errors that occur only when a particular set of
- 17. How to find and fix errors in the system? Debugging is the process of finding errors
- 18. Practice 1. Individual work (3 min) Find the errors and fix them. Parts 4 - 7
- 19. Activity 3. Individual work Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
- 20. Reflection Do conclusion on the topic of the lesson. Write 3 sentences at least on teachers
- 21. Pair work Each student writes some lines of code containing a syntax or logical error for
- 22. Useful links https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/troubleshoot-common-errors-issues https://www.stickyminds.com/article/logic-and-software-testing https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/php-types-of-errors/ https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/errors-in-cc/
- 24. Скачать презентацию