Credit and exam


Слайд 2

Mathematical models

A mathematical model is a description of a system or problem

Mathematical models A mathematical model is a description of a system or
using mathematical concepts, tools and language.
Mathematical model is a function, an equation, inequations, or system of equations or inequations, which represents certain aspects of the physical system or problem modelled.
Ideally, by the application of the appropriate techniques the solution obtained from the model should also be the solution to the system problem.

Слайд 3

Abstract algebra

Algebraic structures
Group, Abelian group
Vector space
Vector space over a field F

Abstract algebra Algebraic structures Group, Abelian group Field Ring Vector space Vector
(V, F, +, ×)
set of vectors V together with a set of scalars F and two operations
vector addition: V + V → V
scalar multiplication: F × V → V

Слайд 4

Linear algebra

Vector space
Components (coordinates)
Basic operations
Linear combination of vectors
Linearly dependent or independent

Linear algebra Vector space Vectors Components (coordinates) Basic operations Linear combination of
Basic types of vectors

Слайд 5

Vector spaces

Basis extension
Steiner’s theorem

Vector spaces Generators Basis Basis extension Steiner’s theorem

Слайд 6


Type of matrix
Matrix addition
Matrix multiplication
Scalar multiplication of matrix
Inversion of square matrix
Rank of

Matrices Type of matrix Matrix addition Matrix multiplication Scalar multiplication of matrix

Слайд 7

System of linear equations

Ax = b
x1.a1+ x2.a2+ … + =

System of linear equations Ax = b _______________________________________________________________________________ x1.a1+ x2.a2+ … +
a11x1 + a12x2 + … + a1nxn = b1
a21x1 + a22x2 + … + a2nxn = b2
am1x1 + am2x2 + … + amnxn = bm
Equivalent system of linear equations

Слайд 8

Solution of system of linear equations

Gauss elimination
Jordanian elimination
Row echelon form
Reduced row echelon

Solution of system of linear equations Gauss elimination Jordanian elimination Row echelon
Canonical form
Transformation of matrix A ⎢b to reduced row echelon form
Frobenius theorem

Слайд 9

Jordanian elimination

Elementary row (column) operation
Exchange the rows
Multiplying row by a scalar
Add one

Jordanian elimination Elementary row (column) operation Exchange the rows Multiplying row by
row to another row
Jordanian elimination
Choosing leading element – pivot on the main diagonal
Replacing it by 1 using elementary operations
Other elements in column replace by 0 using elementary operations

Слайд 10

Solubility of system of linear equations

The system has no solution (in this

Solubility of system of linear equations The system has no solution (in
case, we say that the system is overdetermined)
The system has a single solution (the system is exactly determined)
The system has infinitely many solutions (the system is underdetermined).
Basic solution
Nonbasic solution
Parametric solution

Слайд 11

Mathematical programming

Optimization model
min {f(x) ⏐ qi(x) ≤ 0 , i = 1,

Mathematical programming Optimization model min {f(x) ⏐ qi(x) ≤ 0 , i
..., m ,
xT=(x1, x2, ..., xn)T ∈ Rn }
f(x) and qi (x) - real function of many variables and x – vector of variables from vector space Rn.

Слайд 12

General optimality problems

Feasibility problem
The satisfiability problem, also called the feasibility problem, is

General optimality problems Feasibility problem The satisfiability problem, also called the feasibility
just the problem of finding any feasible solution at all without regard to objective value.
Minimum and maximum value of a function
The problem of finding extrema of function without regard to some constraints.

Слайд 13

Classification of optimization models

More then one constraint
Number of criteria
Single optimization
Multiple optimization

Classification of optimization models More then one constraint Number of criteria Single
of criteria
Goal problem
Type of functions
Linear model
Nonlinear model
Convex model
Nonconvex model

Слайд 14

Linear optimization model

Linear optimization model

Слайд 15

Fundamental Theorem of LP

If the optimal value of the objective function in

Fundamental Theorem of LP If the optimal value of the objective function
a linear programming problem exists, then that value must occur at one (or more) of the corner points of the feasible region.
(If it occurs in more than at one corner, each convex linear combination of these corner coordinates points to optimal value too)

Слайд 16

Fundamentals theorems

Basic solution of system of linear equations is represented by corner

Fundamentals theorems Basic solution of system of linear equations is represented by
points of the feasible region.
If feasible solution of LP exists, basic feasible solution exists too.
Optimal solution of LP problem lies on the border of convex polytop of feasible solutions.
If optimal solution of LP exists, basic optimal solution exists too.

Слайд 17


Decision variables
Slack variables
Artificial variables
Constraints also called conditions or restrictions
Capacities or Capacity

Terminology Variables Decision variables Slack variables Artificial variables Constraints also called conditions
Requirements or Requirement constraints
Balance constraints
Definitional constraints
Objective function also called criteria function

Слайд 18


Feasible solution – feasibility region, search space, choice set
Basic solution
Infeasible solution
Optimal solution

Terminology Feasible solution – feasibility region, search space, choice set Basic solution
Suboptimal solution
Objective function also called criteria function, cost function, energy function, or energy functional

Слайд 19

Existence of solution

Nonexistence of solution
If the feasible region is empty (that is,

Existence of solution Nonexistence of solution If the feasible region is empty
there are no points that satisfy all the constraints), the both the maximum value and the minimum value of the objective function do not exist.
If the feasible region is unbounded, and the vector of coefficients of the objective function lies in the feasible cone, then the minimum value of the objective function exists, but the maximum value does not, is unbounded.
Existence of one or more solutions
If the feasible region for a linear programming problem is bounded, then both the maximum value and the minimum value of the objective function always exist.
If two or more optimal solutions exists, than infinite number of solutions exist – linear combinations of some solution

Слайд 20

Matrices as basic vectors

Column space of a matrix is the set of

Matrices as basic vectors Column space of a matrix is the set
all possible linear combinations of its column vectors
Description of vectors (Space of solutions)
Description of scalars (Column space)
Row space of a matrix is the set of all possible linear combinations of its row vectors

Слайд 21

Graphical representation I

Convex polytop

Graphical representation I Convex polytop Bounded Unbounded

Слайд 22

Graphical representation II

Column space of matrix of coefficients

Graphical representation II Column space of matrix of coefficients

Слайд 23

Simplex Method

Simplex method
Starts with a feasible solution
Tests whether or not

Simplex Method Simplex method Starts with a feasible solution Tests whether or
it is optimum.
If not, the method proceeds a better solution
It is based on Jordanian elimination procedure.
It deals with equations and not with inequations

Слайд 24

The Simplex Algorithm

The Simplex Algorithm

Слайд 25

The Simplex Algorithm

Converting LP into standard and canonical form
Definition of slack variables

The Simplex Algorithm Converting LP into standard and canonical form Definition of
of artificial variables
Big M method
Equations, positive right hand side, canonical form
Test for optimality
zj is the amount of profit given by replacing some of the present basic variables mix with one unit of the column variable
Determine the entering basic variable
Test for unbounded criterion and for feasibility
Determine the leaving basic variable
Changing basis
Jordanian elimination method

Слайд 26

Solubility of linear model

One optimal solution
Infinite number of optimal solution
Alternate solutions -

Solubility of linear model One optimal solution Infinite number of optimal solution
If the zj - cj value for one or more nonbasic variables is 0 in the optimal tableau,
No solution
Unbounded Linear programs
If all entries in the pivot column are nonpositive, the linear program is unbounded.
Infeasible Linear Programs
If an artificial variable remains positive in the “optimal tableau,” the problem is infeasible.

Слайд 27

Simple transportation problem

Suppliers, source – supply of i-th supplier ai
Demands, destinations –

Simple transportation problem Suppliers, source – supply of i-th supplier ai Demands,
demand of j-th destination bj
Route (i,j) – unique connection between supplier and demand
Unit transportation costs (distances) between each origin and destination – cij
xij – number of units shipped from supplier i to demand j
Goal: Minimize of the cost of shipping goods or maximize the profit of shipping

Слайд 28

Transportation table

Transportation table

Слайд 29

Balanced transportation model

Σj xij = ai , i=1,…,m
Σi xij = bj ,

Balanced transportation model Σj xij = ai , i=1,…,m Σi xij =
xij ≥ 0
Σi Σj cij.xij → MIN

Слайд 30

Balanced transportation system

Total supply = total demand Σj ai = Σj bj

Balanced transportation system Total supply = total demand Σj ai = Σj

dummy supplier
dummy destination
Frobenius theorem
If the system is balanced then the model is always solvable.
Basic solution m+n-1 basic variables (routes)

Слайд 31

Solving of the TP

Initial solution must be feasible
Northwest-Corner method (NWCM)
Least-Cost method (LCM)

Solving of the TP Initial solution must be feasible Northwest-Corner method (NWCM)
approximation method (VAM).
Test for optimality
Stepping stone method
Cost of basic route mix
Test for feasibility
Change of transportation plan
Stepping stone method

Слайд 32

Transportation method

Step 0 – Balanced transportation system

Step 1 – Initial basic

Transportation method Step 0 – Balanced transportation system Step 1 – Initial

Step 2 – Test for optimality

Step 3 – Test for feasibility

Step 4 – New basic solution

Слайд 33


The basic solution is degenerate if some of basic variables is equal

Degeneracy The basic solution is degenerate if some of basic variables is
to zero.
Degeneracy does not need some changes in the simplex method.
Degeneracy requires to choose the missing basic variable - to perform shipping stone method – in transportation method.
(m + n – 1)
Degeneracy requires to choose the missing basic variable so a closed path can be developed for all other empty cells.

Слайд 34

Result analysis

Optimal solution
Alternative solution
Suboptimal solution
Perspective routes
Routes substitution
Possible shipped amount

Result analysis Optimal solution Alternative solution Suboptimal solution Perspective routes Routes substitution Possible shipped amount

Слайд 35

Vehicle routing problem

Given a list of cities and their pairwise distances
The task

Vehicle routing problem Given a list of cities and their pairwise distances
is to find a multi cycle tour, which return to the central city and visit each city exactly once
Central point
All other point only once
Constraints for subcycles – time, vehicle capacity ….

Слайд 36

Travelling salesman problem

Given a list of cities and their pairwise distances

Travelling salesman problem Given a list of cities and their pairwise distances
task is to find a shortest possible tour that visits each city exactly once

Слайд 37

Solving of TSP

Try all permutations of points
N! possibilities
Principle: adding of branches to

Solving of TSP Try all permutations of points N! possibilities Principle: adding
pass all points before all points will be visited
Selection of branches according to the distance – current advantage can be disadvantage in the future
The nearest neighbour algorithm
Vogel's Approximation Method

Слайд 38

Vehicle routing problem

Majer‘s method
Central point
Selecting the most distant point from the central

Vehicle routing problem Majer‘s method Central point Selecting the most distant point
Then adding the nearest points subject to constraints
Construction of the first cycle by VAM or NNM
Again selecting the most distant point from the remaining ….
The method finishes if all points (except central) are in one of subroutes.

Слайд 39


Model of conflict or competition
Cooperative, non-cooperative games
Antagonistic – non-antagonistic game
Time – simultaneous

Game Model of conflict or competition Cooperative, non-cooperative games Antagonistic – non-antagonistic
and sequential game
Game - play - strategy – move
Model elements
Players, strategies, payoffs

Слайд 40

Solution of game

Each player tries to maximize his welfare at the expense

Solution of game Each player tries to maximize his welfare at the
of the others.
Result – The best (optimal) strategies which gives to each player the best outcome according to the other players and their strategies
Maximal possible win of each player
Value of game – players‘ result, expected payoff

Слайд 41

Model of game

Tree (extensive) form of model
Game tree (decision tree - moves)

Model of game Tree (extensive) form of model Game tree (decision tree
form of model
List of players, list of strategy spaces, and list of payoff functions
Payoff matrix (decision matrix)

Слайд 42

Matrix game

Two-person game
Finite number of strategies for each player
Zero-sum game
Sum of payoffs

Matrix game Two-person game Finite number of strategies for each player Zero-sum
for both players is zero
Outcom of one player is a loss of the other player
Matrix form of game model

Слайд 43

Pure and mixed strategy

Pure strategy
One best strategy
How to find it – saddle

Pure and mixed strategy Pure strategy One best strategy How to find
Mixed strategy
Probability of strategy realization or frequency of strategy usage
How to find it – linear optimization model

Слайд 44

Matrix game solution

The optimal pure strategies exist in the matrix game, if

Matrix game solution Theorem The optimal pure strategies exist in the matrix
and only if the game has the saddle point.
The Minimax Theorem.
For every finite two-person zero-sum game,
(1) there is a number w, called the value of the game,
(2) there is a mixed strategy for Player A such that his average gain is at least w no matter what B does, and
(3) there is a mixed strategy for Player B such that his average loss is at most w no matter what A does.

Слайд 45

Decision model

Model elements
Decision alternatives
States of nature
Decision matrix (table) – payoffs associated with

Decision model Model elements Decision alternatives States of nature Decision matrix (table)
each combination of alternatives and events
Decision tree
Decision criterion
Certainty, risk, uncertainty

Слайд 46

Solution of decision problems

Selection of the dominating alternative
Selection of the best

Solution of decision problems Selection of the dominating alternative Selection of the
Selection of the alternative according to the highest utility

Слайд 47

Selection of the dominating alternative

Outcome dominance: aI dominates aK
Event dominance: aI dominates

Selection of the dominating alternative Outcome dominance: aI dominates aK Event dominance:
Probabilistic dominance: aI dominates aK

Слайд 48

Selection of the best alternative

Decision-making under certainty
Decision-making under uncertainty
Maximax rule
Wald criterion -

Selection of the best alternative Decision-making under certainty Decision-making under uncertainty Maximax
maximin rule
Savage criterion - minimax regret rule
Laplace criterion - principle of insufficient reason
Hurwicz criterion
Decision-making under risk
EMV criterion - expected monetary value criterion
EOL criterion - expected opportunity loss criterion

Слайд 49

Multiple Objective Decision Making

Infinite Number of Alternatives
At least two criteria
Example – Linear

Multiple Objective Decision Making Infinite Number of Alternatives At least two criteria
multi criteria programming

Слайд 50

Multiple Attribute Decision Making

Finite Number of Alternatives
Evaluation of all alternatives with respect

Multiple Attribute Decision Making Finite Number of Alternatives Evaluation of all alternatives
to all attributes

Слайд 51

Basic terms

Ideal alternative
Nadir alternative
Dominating and dominated alternative
The best alternative – preferred alternative

Basic terms Ideal alternative Nadir alternative Dominating and dominated alternative The best
efficient alternative

Слайд 52

The aim of MADM

Selection of the best alternatives (one or more)
Dichotomizing into

The aim of MADM Selection of the best alternatives (one or more)
the efficient and non efficient alternatives
Ranking of all alternatives
Noncompensatory model
Not permit trade-offs between attributes
Compensatory Model
Permit trade-offs between attributes

Слайд 53

Utility, utility function

Utility is a measure of satisfaction
All attribute values can

Utility, utility function Utility is a measure of satisfaction All attribute values
be expresed by utility value
Partial utility values can be combined into global utility value
Risk seeking, risk neutral and risk aversion decision maker

Слайд 54

Utility function

A utility function represents a preference relation
Mapping of attribute values

Utility function A utility function represents a preference relation Mapping of attribute
into interval 〈0, 1〉

Слайд 55


Inter and intra attribute comparisons
Criteria preferences
Alternatives preferences
Not necessary in numerical form
No preference

Informations Inter and intra attribute comparisons Criteria preferences Alternatives preferences Not necessary
information given
Nominal information – standard level of attribute
Ordinal information – qualitative - ordering
Cardinal information - quantitative

Слайд 56

Methods for assesing information

Sequence Method
Criteria/alternatives are arranged according their importance to

Methods for assesing information Sequence Method Criteria/alternatives are arranged according their importance
a sequence from most to least important.
Scoring Method
Each criterion/alternative isevaluated by certain number of points from chosen scale.
Pairwise comparison
The judgement of the relative importance of each pair of criteria

Слайд 57

MADM methods

Scoring or sequence methods
Standard level methods
Simple additive weighting method
Attributes must be

MADM methods Scoring or sequence methods Standard level methods Simple additive weighting
measured in the same scale
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