Dental clinics

Слайд 2

In the Dental clinics. At the Dentist`s.

Doctor: Good morning. What can I

In the Dental clinics. At the Dentist`s. Doctor: Good morning. What can
do for you? What troubles do you have?
Patient:I have a toothache on the right upper side. It`s troubling me day and night.

Слайд 3

D: Sit in the chair. How long have you had it?
P:For about

D: Sit in the chair. How long have you had it? P:For
week.I have a fillling that is loose.I’m afraid it is about to drop out.

Слайд 4

D:Let me take a look at it.Open your mouth wide,please.I will take

D:Let me take a look at it.Open your mouth wide,please.I will take
an X-ray.
D:There’s a rather deep cavity on the right side of the tooth.

Слайд 5

P:Will you have to pull the tooth?
D:No .I hope to save your

P:Will you have to pull the tooth? D:No .I hope to save
tooth. I will give you an injection of Lidocaine.

Слайд 6

D:Now I can drill the tooth. You don’t feel any pain ,do

D:Now I can drill the tooth. You don’t feel any pain ,do you? P:No,I don’t.
P:No,I don’t.

Слайд 7

D:I’d suggest that -besides the usual filling-we put a crown on your

D:I’d suggest that -besides the usual filling-we put a crown on your
tooth. That can save it.I’ll put a temporary crown there today.The permanent crown will be ready in about 10 days.Then you’ll come back.Is it all right with you?
P:If you think it’s the only way to save the tooth,then go ahead.I realize a crown is rather expensive.But what’s to be done?

Слайд 8

D:Okay. Don’t eat or drink anything for 2 hours. After having a

D:Okay. Don’t eat or drink anything for 2 hours. After having a
meal, rinse out your mouth with water.Do not eat too many sugary foods.
If you have a bad toothache, take a painkiller.
P:Thank you,doctor.

Слайд 9

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Имя файла: Dental-clinics.pptx
Количество просмотров: 38
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