
Слайд 2


Supportive by :
Pr\Zahraa Ibrahim
Present by :
* BaAch^YAz^r
* YO-LZ^YY Kh~aYLfas
*YoiA44s£f iiad&y
*Ya44^ IbraYYw/ Yia^Y

Hepatitis Supportive by : Pr\Zahraa Ibrahim Present by : * BaAch^YAz^r *
WaYe^eai Moiu^vvedy
* YaYYo'ALfr&yed'
* WaXe^aL Jca^ria^ Yiaai
* Ya44vi£^s Sa^wcY^
* Wafaas MOY^^O-IMY
* Wafaa' AbaUYLLabs ^YOM™^^ Ma^-£a~iMr
* WaYaa^ O^awa,
* Ya^mi^y TaYaz^Y
* Wala^y Aasref-*WaAa&/ A IUAA^ZY
* Ya^viY^ve^ saYcfas
* WaYaas Sk-aYpa^

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1- Introduction
• Hepatitis affects the liver
• function of liver
The liver controls most

1- Introduction • Hepatitis affects the liver • function of liver The
chemical levels in the blood. It also secretes a clear yellow or orange fluid called bile. Bile helps to break down fats, preparing them for further

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digestion and absorption. All of the blood leaving the stomach and intestines

digestion and absorption. All of the blood leaving the stomach and intestines
passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down, balances, and creates nutrients for the body to use. It also breaks down (metabolizes) medicines in the blood into forms that are easier for the body to use
• Anatomy of liver

• Some liver diseases
1. Hepatomegaly
2. cirrhosis
3. Hepatitis ^J'
4.liver cancer ^'

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2- Definition of Hepatitis
Is inflammation of the liver. It can be caused

Cirrhosis 2- Definition of Hepatitis Is inflammation of the liver. It can
by several viruses. In severe cases, It can lead to damage the liver . There are different types of hepatitis , There can be sprad to other people .
3 - Types
There are five types of hepatitis A, B, C, D and E
Hepatitis A:
- causes
Touching, eating, or using something contaminated with the hepatitis A virus

-signs & symptoms
. Anorexia ^

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• Jaundice

• Nausea

- Complication :
fulminant hepatitis is rare : 0.1 % of

vomiting • Jaundice • Nausea - Complication : fulminant hepatitis is rare
- Mode of Transmission :
1. case to case , via faecal-oral route
2. contamination of food Or water
1 ) Passive immunizations
Normal immunoglobulin given to:

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-Travelers to thid world contries
- Household contacts of acute cases
2 ) Active

-Travelers to thid world contries - Household contacts of acute cases 2
Inactivated cell culture-derived vaccine has recently become available
Hepatitis B:
- causes
Touching, eating, or using something contaminated with the hepatitis B virus
-signs & symptoms
The majority of children and infants infected with hepatitis B do not show any signs or symptoms of the disease, at all, and the same applies to some adults.
- Complication :
* Chronic infection . Chronic persistent Hepatitis . Chronic Active Hepatitis
- Mode of Transmission :

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. Blood
• sexual intercourse
• Horizontal transmission
• Vertical transmission

-Prevention and Treatment
Doctors use five

. Blood • sexual intercourse • Horizontal transmission • Vertical transmission -Prevention
types of drugs to treat viral hepatitis B:

OJJPJP] (Interferon) apj^s (Telbivudine)

u^js-V (Lamivudine) (j“d - Epivir) jjjj (Entecavir)
j^jM (Adefovir) ('JJ^ - Hepsera).

Hepetits C:
- causes

Infected blood and body fluids spread hepatitis C . Infection can be passed from mother to Child during brith , Or through open wound

-signs & symptoms
Signs and symptoms include:

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• Bleeding easily occurs
• Easily bruising
• Exhaustion
• Fluid accumulation in your abdomen

• Bleeding easily occurs • Easily bruising • Exhaustion • Fluid accumulation
• Swelling in both legs
• Confusion, drowsiness and slurred speech (hepatic encephalopathy)
• Spider-like blood vessels on your skin (spider angiomas)

- Complication :
1. Chronic liver disease
2. Hepatocellular carcinoma

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- Mode of Transmission :

1. Blood transfusions
2. Organ donaion
3. Intravenous drug abusers

- Mode of Transmission : 1. Blood transfusions 2. Organ donaion 3.
Sexual intercourse
Avoid using any tools that could potentially contaminate the injection or any other skin-piercing activity
Hepetits D, E:
Hepatitis D :
• Hepatitis D virus infection appears only with hepatitis B virus infection
• Rarely, the infection is transmitted directly from mother to child.
• Hepatitis D virus infection associated with infection with hepatitis B virus is the most severe form of chronic viral hepatitis due to the rapid death of the infected person due to disruption of his liver and hepatocellular

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Hepatitis E :
I. This infection is prevalent in all parts of the

carcinogenesis. Hepatitis E : I. This infection is prevalent in all parts
world, but has the highest prevalence rates in East and South Asia.
II. This infection usually clears up on its own within two to six weeks.
III. A vaccine to prevent infection with hepatitis E virus has been developed and licensed for use in China, but it is not yet available elsewhere.
IV. People sometimes develop a serious disease known as fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure), which can kill a certain percentage of those with it.
4- Risk Factors
A risk factors is something that raises your chances of getting a health problem . Hepatitis spreeds when you are exposed to it from contaminated :

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I. Stool 2. Blood 3.Saliva 4.Semen
5. Vaginal fluid
6. Food
7. Water
8. Animals
9. Receive

I. Stool 2. Blood 3.Saliva 4.Semen 5. Vaginal fluid 6. Food 7.
long-term kidney dialysis.
10. Travel to areas with poor sanitation
• People are most vulnerable to infection
II. People with jobs in Daycare ,Healthcare ,or Public safty
12.People who do not wash hands well

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13.People who have a weak Immune system
5- Prevention
There are many ways you

13.People who have a weak Immune system 5- Prevention There are many
can reduce your
chances of getting hepatitis:
• Get the vaccines for hepatitis A and hepatitis B.
• Don't share needles to take drugs.
• Practice good personal hygiene such as thorough hand-washing with soap and water.
• Take precautions when getting any tattoos or body piercings.
• Don't use an infected person's personal items.
• Take precaution when traveling to areas of the world with poor sanitation
• Drink bottled water when traveling
6- Treatment

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- Medical

If your doctor determines your hepatitis infection is acute - meaning

- Medical If your doctor determines your hepatitis infection is acute -
it is short-lived and will go away on its own - you may not need treatment .
Most people diagnosed with chronic hepatitis infection need treatment for the rest of their lives. Treatment for chronic hepatitis may include
• Antiviral medications
• Interferon injections
• Liver transplant. If your liver has been severely damaged
• Some medications to treat hepatitis

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Nursing care
I. Monitor Hydration through intake and output
II. Monitor prothrombin time and

Nursing care I. Monitor Hydration through intake and output II. Monitor prothrombin
for signs of bleeding
III. Encourage the patient to eat meals In a sitting position to reduce pressure on the liver
IV. Encourage pleasing mealsin a calm environment

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V. Warn the patient not to be bruised
VI. Explain how to deal

V. Warn the patient not to be bruised VI. Explain how to
with secretions and blood when the patient is at home
vii.Clarify the importance of liver function tests
7- health education
1:Attention to eating healthy foods with vitamins and nutrients
2: It is advised to avoid alcoholic and alcoholic drinks
3: Pay close attention to sports
4: It is advised to stay away from smoking
5: To prevent viruses, contamination and poisoning, it is always recommended to wash hands with water and antiseptic soap frequently
7: You should not take any kind of medicine except under the supervision of the attending physician
8: If you are diabetic or hypertensive, it is advised to take care of taking medicines on time
9: There are some foods that are beneficial for liver
Имя файла: Hepatitis.pptx
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