Infection control. Final exam


Слайд 2


1. Answer in word format.
2. Strictly no cheating or sharing of answers.

DIRECTIONS: 1. Answer in word format. 2. Strictly no cheating or sharing
Due of submission is on June 16, 2021.
4. Enjoy!

Слайд 3

1) If you wear gloves while providing care, hand hygiene is not

1) If you wear gloves while providing care, hand hygiene is not required. True or False
required. True or False

Слайд 4

2) Your infection control department tells you that a patient can be

2) Your infection control department tells you that a patient can be
managed using routine practices. This means: a) The patient does not have any bacteria and does not pose a risk to staff or other patients b) Any care being provided is routine in nature and presents no risk of infection c) A risk assessment should be done before providing care and PPE worn as appropriate to the situation and the care being provided

Слайд 5

3) The most effective way for health-care providers to protect themselves, their

3) The most effective way for health-care providers to protect themselves, their
family and their patients from influenza is to: a) Wear a surgical mask at all times at work b) Stay at home if they have respiratory symptoms c) Get an annual flu shot and encourage their family, co-workers and patients to get the flu vaccine annually d) Not go to work from November to April

Слайд 6

4) If your hands are visibly soiled, hand hygiene using alcohol-based hand

4) If your hands are visibly soiled, hand hygiene using alcohol-based hand
rub is the preferred method. True or False

Слайд 7

5) Which of the following is not considered a portal of entry

5) Which of the following is not considered a portal of entry
for bacteria? a) Eyes b) Nose c) Mouth d) Intact skin

Слайд 8

6) MRSA and other multi-drug-resistant organisms can be transmitted: a) Through medical equipment

6) MRSA and other multi-drug-resistant organisms can be transmitted: a) Through medical
that is shared and not disinfected appropriately between patients b) On the hands of health-care workers who do not perform hand hygiene as indicated in the 4 Moments for Hand Hygiene c) Through environmental surfaces that are not properly cleaned d) All of the above

Слайд 9

7) If there is no sign on a patient’s door or chart

7) If there is no sign on a patient’s door or chart
indicating the patient is on additional precautions, then PPE is never required when providing care. True or False

Слайд 10

8) You are working on a Friday night and several patients become

8) You are working on a Friday night and several patients become
symptomatic with vomiting and diarrhea. You should: a) Wait till Monday morning and then contact infection control b) No action is required; the day shift will sort it out c) Place the patients on contact precautions, chart symptoms and follow your facility’s procedure for reporting a suspected outbreak d) Ignore the situation and pretend you did not notice anything out of the ordinary

Слайд 11

9) When assessing a patient, asking about any recent travel history is

9) When assessing a patient, asking about any recent travel history is
important because: a) It provides a talking point to break the ice b) It may alert you to a travel destination you will mark off your go-to list c) It may provide information useful for diagnosis, thereby reducing delays in appropriate treatment and management

Слайд 12

10) Most health-care-associated infections are transmitted to patients: a) On the hands of

10) Most health-care-associated infections are transmitted to patients: a) On the hands
health-care workers b) From dirty washrooms c) From hospital food

Слайд 13

11) When using alcohol-based hand rub, you should: a) Apply the hand rub

11) When using alcohol-based hand rub, you should: a) Apply the hand
and wave hands until dry
b) Apply a sufficient quantity of hand rub and rub hands for a least 15 seconds, being sure to cover all areas: front, back, between fingers, nail beds and thumbs c) Apply the hand rub and rub palms together for 10 seconds d) Apply hand rub when you see infection control staff on the unit

Слайд 14

12) It doesn’t matter in what order you remove PPE, as long

12) It doesn’t matter in what order you remove PPE, as long
as you remove it and perform hand hygiene before going to care for another patient. True or False

Слайд 15

13. Hand washing is critical to infection control. Which of these is

13. Hand washing is critical to infection control. Which of these is
not considered a cleaning agent?
a) Water b) Alcohol hand gel c) Liquid soap

Слайд 16

14. Which colour bag should you use when disposing of clinical waste?

14. Which colour bag should you use when disposing of clinical waste?
Red b) Yellow c) Green

Слайд 17

15. Which of the following can be worn on hands during patient

15. Which of the following can be worn on hands during patient
a) A ring with a plain band b) False nails c) Rings with stones d) None of the above

Слайд 18

16. Do you need to wash your hands after wearing gloves?
a) Yes b)

16. Do you need to wash your hands after wearing gloves? a)
No c) Only if hands are visibly soiled

Слайд 19

17. Which of the following is not included in Standard Infection Control

17. Which of the following is not included in Standard Infection Control
a) Management of blood and bodily fluid spillage b) Patient’s personal hygiene c) Safe handling of linen d) Cleanliness of care equipment

Слайд 20

18. How long should hands be washed for after wetting hands and

18. How long should hands be washed for after wetting hands and
applying soap?
a) 5 seconds b) 2-3 minutes c) For as long as you feel appropriate d) 15-20 seconds

Слайд 21

19. Which of the following should be avoided during hand washing?
a) Paper

19. Which of the following should be avoided during hand washing? a)
towels b) Liquid soap c) Nail brushes

Слайд 22

20. When should you dispose of a plastic disposable apron?
a) At the

20. When should you dispose of a plastic disposable apron? a) At
end of each shift b) Every hour c) Between caring for each patient d) After it’s been washed once

Слайд 23

21. Disinfection is a process in addition to cleaning. When is it

21. Disinfection is a process in addition to cleaning. When is it
a) When a patient touches a door handle b) When an item comes into contact with mucous membranes c) When you re-use a bedpan made of pulp d) It isn’t necessary unless you know a patient has an HCAI

Слайд 24

22. What is the definition of a ‘single use’ item?
a) An item

22. What is the definition of a ‘single use’ item? a) An
that can be used by a single patient, multiple times b) An item that can only be used once before it needs disinfecting c) An item that can only be used once before being disposed of d) An item that can only be used for a single day

Слайд 25

23. Cocci are bacteria that are:

23. Cocci are bacteria that are: Round-shaped Rod-shaped Flat-shaped Spore-shaped

Слайд 26

24. Infection Control is  the discipline concerned with preventing ____________?
Happy workers
Home care infections

24. Infection Control is the discipline concerned with preventing ____________? Happy workers

Слайд 27

25. For how long should one wash their hands when using soap

25. For how long should one wash their hands when using soap
& water?
Under 10 seconds
At least 20 seconds
40-60 seconds
It doesn't matter as long as your hands appear clean

Слайд 28

25. When should hands be washed?
After using the restroom
Before and after patient

25. When should hands be washed? After using the restroom Before and
After you cough or sneeze
All of the above

Слайд 29

26. When should you clean  your hands?
Before contact with a patient
After contact

26. When should you clean your hands? Before contact with a patient
with a patient
Before performing a clean or aseptic (sterile) procedure
After contact with blood and body fluids
All of the above

Слайд 30

27.The one-celled microorganisms also known as germs or microbes are:

27.The one-celled microorganisms also known as germs or microbes are: Viruses Fungi Bacteria Cilia

Слайд 31

28. Whenever the potential for contact exists with any blood, body fluid

28. Whenever the potential for contact exists with any blood, body fluid
(except sweat), with non-intact skin, or mucous membranes, the appropriate use of PPE; (gloves, protective eye wear, masks and gowns) is required. 

Слайд 32

29. What is another name for the H1N1 flu virus?
Bird Flu
Swine Flu

29. What is another name for the H1N1 flu virus? Bird Flu
Seasonal Flu

Слайд 33

30. When must staff perform hand hygiene?
After removing gloves
Before direct patient contact

30. When must staff perform hand hygiene? After removing gloves Before direct
direct patient contact
Before performing invasive procedures
All of the above
None of the above
Имя файла: Infection-control.-Final-exam.pptx
Количество просмотров: 45
Количество скачиваний: 0