Medical Advances EVoz

Слайд 2

Artificial heart

In July 2001, a group of surgeons from Louisville, Kentucky managed

Artificial heart In July 2001, a group of surgeons from Louisville, Kentucky
to transplant a new generation artificial heart into a patient. The device, known as AbioCor, was first transplanted to a person, who was suffering from heart failure. Artificial heart –
искусственное сердце Heart failure – сердечная недостаточность

Transplant – пересаживать (органы) Transplantation (n) - пересадка

Слайд 3

 Camera capsule

With this pill doctors can diagnose cancer at the earliest stages.

Camera capsule With this pill doctors can diagnose cancer at the earliest
The device was created for producing high-quality color images in confined spaces. Camera capsule can detect signs of esophageal cancer.
Esophageal cancer – рак пищевода [iːˈsɒfəgəl] Camera capsule –видеокапсула |ˈkæpsjuːl|

Слайд 4

Bioresorbable stents

Scientists have developed the world's first bioabsorbable stents for treating thrombosis.

Bioresorbable stents Scientists have developed the world's first bioabsorbable stents for treating
A stent expands the blood vessels to prevent a blockage. Stents are manufactured from a material that may dissolve or be absorbed in the body. bioabsorbable stents - биорассасываемые стенты

thrombosis |θrɒmˈbəʊsɪs| - тромбоз; expand the vessel – расширить сосуд; prevent the blockage – предотвратить стеноз; dissolve, absorb – рассасываться, растворяться

Слайд 5

Bionic arm iLIMB

Created by David Gow in 2007, the iLIMB bionic arm

Bionic arm iLIMB Created by David Gow in 2007, the iLIMB bionic
is the world's first artificial limb with five individually mechanized fingers. Bionic arms work by picking up signals from a user's muscles. * Prosthetics - replacement of lost or irreversibly damaged body parts with artificial substitutes.

Bionic arm – бионическая рука Artificial limb – искусственная конечность Mechanized fingers – механизированные пальцы Prosthetics – протезирование |prɒsˈθetɪks| 

Слайд 6

Biomechanical devices and prostheses

In 2013 scientists invented the first prototypes of "smart"

Biomechanical devices and prostheses In 2013 scientists invented the first prototypes of
prostheses with feedback (emulation of tactile sensations), which enabled a prosthesis to perceive and transmit the feeling of pain or discomfort.
Prosthesis – протезы
|prɒsˈθiːsɪs| Perceive, transmit – ощущать, передавать Tactile sensations – осязательные, тактильные ощущения
Имя файла: Medical-Advances-EVoz.pptx
Количество просмотров: 42
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