- 2. Content Intoduction Sructure of SARS-CoV-2 Aim of the study Methods VMD CABS Dock 5. Results
- 3. Introduction 1 https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Steckbrief.html 2 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02544-6 Single-stranded RNA-enveloped virus It bends to the angiotensin converting enzyme 2
- 4. Sructure of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein spike protein mediates the membrane fusion process Spike protein has 2
- 5. Antiviral drugs Classes: Spike maturation inhibitor Protease inhibitor Fusion inhibitor Polymerase inhibitor Only Remdesivir was approved
- 7. Aim of the study to screen a list of peptides which were designed to bind the
- 8. Methods
- 9. VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics for structure visualization displaying, animating, and analyzing large biomolecular systems using
- 10. CABS Dock for protein-peptide docking coarse-grained model (it decreases a time of long simulations) advantages: Can
- 11. CABS Dock Steps: Generating random structures Simulation of binding and docking Selection of the final models
- 12. Results Original structure: Fraction of contacts – 51 % (cutoff – 5Å) number of residues in
- 13. Original Model 4 200 cycles were also chosen for docking the derivatives.
- 14. 10 derivatives were tested (additional parameter - all amino acids form helices) Best peptide structures need
- 16. Ranking according to the predicted number of models, fractions and position of a modal in a
- 17. PPI-Affinity The most promising candidates: DERIVATIVE_1086 DERIVATIVE_3200 DERIVATIVE_3630 original -8.4
- 18. Vmd images of top 3 candidates DERIVATIVE_3630, Model_full 0 (73%, 17 contacts) DERIVATIVE_1086, Model_full 0 (66%,
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