Modernization of deaerator

Слайд 2


Для снижения кислорода в питательной воде для парогенератора в котельных установлен деаэратор.

Summary Для снижения кислорода в питательной воде для парогенератора в котельных установлен
в него поступает конденсат и свежая вода и паром происходит деаэрация. Пар в деаэратор подается постояно, потому что он соединён с атмосферой и условие подачи пара это поддержание уставки по далению в деаэраторе таким образом деаэратор это постоянная составляющая в потреблении тепла
To reduce oxygen in the feed water for the steam generator, a deaerator is installed in the boiler rooms. condensate and fresh water enter it and deaeration occurs with steam. Steam to the deaerator is supplied continuously, because it is connected to the atmosphere and the condition for steam supply is to maintain the set point in the deaerator, so the deaerator is a constant component in the heat consumption

Идея состоит в том, чтобы модернизировать деаэратор, использовать восстановленное тепло для нагрева свежей питательной воды и конденсата, а также открывать клапан подачи пара в деаратор только в тот момент, когда в него подается свежая вода и не деаэрировать конденсат, в котором нет кислорода
The idea is to upgrade the deaerator, use the recovered heat to heat fresh feed water and condensate, and also open the steam supply valve to the deaerator only when fresh water is supplied to it and not deaerate condensate that is not oxygenated

Результатом внедрения данной инициативы было большое снижение потребления тепла на деаэратор
The result of the implementation of this initiative was a large reduction in heat consumption at the deaerator




Слайд 3


Deaerator scheme.

BEFORE Deaerator scheme.

Слайд 5


Please describe the idea.

Washers of smaller diameter were installed on the steam

IDEA Please describe the idea. Washers of smaller diameter were installed on
from the deaerator
First recovery circuit:
Fresh water passes through the heat exchanger 2 where the vapor from the deaerator is heated from 15 ° C to 95 ° C
Second recovery circuit:
The steam-condensate after continuous blowing of the boiler passes through the separator and then in the heat exchanger 3 heats the water in the hot water supply of the plant.
Thee recovery circuit:
Feed water with a temperature of about 104 ° C enters the heat exchanger 1 and heats the condensate, which comes from the condensate storage tanks and goes to feed the deaerator. The feed water after the heat exchanger 1 is heated by an economizer before entering the steam generator.
IMPORTANT - The feed water temperature should not be below 85 ° C , therefore a temperature sensor is installed at the outlet of the heat exchanger 1 and in the case of a temperature drop below 85 ° C , condensate enters the deaerator through valve K5 bypass

Слайд 6


Total savings amounted to about 3.8 MJ / Hl in year
Given the

IDEA Savings Total savings amounted to about 3.8 MJ / Hl in
low cost of gas for Russia ($ 0.08 / m3), the idea saved about 6 k$
Bellow you can see a reduction in heat consumption per 1 m3 of make-up water in the deaerator

Efficiency of the deaerator for feeding with condensate+fresh water Mj/m3





Efficiency of the deaerator for feeding with fresh water Mj/m3





Слайд 7

Please select the achieved improvement(s) or innovation(s).


Please select the achieved improvement(s) or innovation(s). AFTER
Имя файла: Modernization-of-deaerator.pptx
Количество просмотров: 46
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