- 2. Andy Warhol, Campbell's Tomato Juice Box, 1964, Synthetic polymer paint and silkscreen ink on wood, 10
- 4. Уорхол
- 5. 09. Ray_Le_ Cadeau Man Ray
- 6. "Довольно занятно видеть произведения, которые вводят картинки из комиксов в святая святых большого искусства. Заставить публику
- 7. Salvador Dali, Self Portrait as Mona Lisa (1954) |
- 8. Breton, AndrИ. Collage Collectif, 1944. (Foto de: MusИe National d'Art Moderne. Centre Georges Pompidou, 1925 cx302)
- 9. Claes Oldenburg – Dual Hamburgers.1962 Рихард Гюльзенбек: "Все хотели видеть это новшество и стояли в очереди.
- 10. Tom Wesselmann Mouth №11 1967 Dallas Museum of Art
- 11. La Révolution surréaliste 12, ed. André Breton (Paris, December 15, 1929), p. 1. Бретон:"Сюрреализм, коль скоро
- 12. Ernst, Max. Soleil bleu, 1931. (Foto de: MusИe National d'Art Moderne. Centre Georges Pompidou. 1984 cx256)
- 13. Lichtenstein, Roy - Ruins
- 14. Hans Arp. Head with mustache. 1926
- 15. Man Ray Belle Haleine 1921
- 16. Roy Lichtenstein Head with Blue Shadow, 1965 Painted ceramic.
- 17. Бюст Джеллы Ллойд.
- 18. : "Это неодада, называющее себя теперь "новым реализмом", поп-артом, ассамбляжем и т. д." Когда я открыл
- 19. Макс Эрнст. «Да будет мода, да сгинет искусство», 1919 г.
- 20. Robert Rauschenberg. Retroactive I, 1964. Silkscreen
- 21. Figure 5: Herzfelde, Wieland, éd. Jedermann sein eigner Fussball, n°1 (15 février 1919)
- 22. Roy Lichtenstein. Cubist Still Life, 1974
- 23. Picasso's meninas Richard Hamilton 1973
- 24. Roy Lichtenstein, Image Duplicator, 1963. Magna on canvas. 61.0 x 50.8 cm / 24 x 20
- 25. >>>Yours Till the Boys Come Home 1972 Tate Collection
- 26. John Lennon by Andy Warhol са. 1985
- 28. Richard Hamilton. From Polaroid Portraits, John Lennon, 1971
- 29. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by Peter Blake 1967 Album sleeve Victoria and Albert Museum
- 30. Richard Hamilton Just What Is It That Makes Today's Home So Different, So Appealing? 1956, Collage
- 31. Zeichnen mit Papieren und Stoffen - Merzzeichnung 167. Formen im Raum. «Колесо от детской коляски, проволочная
- 32. The House of the Future - living room, 1956. Daily Mail Ideal Home Show, London Design:
- 33. Alloway
- 35. Parallel of Art and Life. 1956
- 36. This is Tomorow
- 38. Tate Gallery Marcel Duchamp, Richard Hamilton The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even (The Large
- 39. Ричард Гамильтон: поп-арт это: популярный, эфемерный, легкоусвояемый и быстрозабываемый, дешевый и хорошо продающийся, серийный, молодежный, остроумный,
- 40. BUNK! - See Them? A Baby's Life is not all Sunshine Lithograph, 1972, Edition 100
- 41. The SI at the Institute for Contemporary Art, London, 1960. Standing, from left to right: Maurice
- 42. Richard Hamilton. (British, born 1922). Interior. 1964. Screenprint,
- 43. Richard Hamilton Swingeing London 67 1967-8
- 44. Richard Hamilton Hommage à Chrysler Corp. 1957 Tate
- 45. Richard Hamilton Swingeing London 67 (f) 1968-9 Acrylic, collage and aluminium on canvas support: 673 x
- 46. Richard Hamilton Just what is it that makes today's homes so different? 1992 Tate Collection
- 47. Celia Scott. Sir Eduardo Paolozzi 1983 Material Bronze
- 48. photographed by John Deakin, 1952
- 49. Eduardo Paolozzi 'Real gold' 1950-72 Stencil Collection of the National Gallery of Australia
- 50. Eduardo Paolozzi. Michelangelo's `David' 1987 Eduardo Paolozzi Real Gold 1950 Tate Collection
- 51. Eduardo Paolozzi Beetles Etching, 1971
- 52. Dress by Eduardo Paolozzi, Harockses fashions, Preston, Harris Museum and Art Gallery
- 53. R.B. (Ronald) Kitaj. Where the Railroad Leaves the Sea. 1964
- 54. David Hockney. Bigger Splash, 1967
- 55. David Hockney The Actor 1964 National Museum Wales
- 56. David Hockney Man Taking Shower in Beverly Hills California State University
- 57. Jim Dine Rimbaud 1973 Jim Dine Self-Portrait 1978
- 59. Скачать презентацию