- 2. The chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa. Definition
- 4. Chronic gastritis
- 5. pylori Helicobacter infection Etiology
- 7. Helicobacter pylori
- 8. auto-immunologic fator high positive rate (90%) of serum anti- parietal cell antibody (APCA) animal model: gastritis
- 9. reflux of duodenal juice incompetence of pyloric sphincter post operate stomach alcohol heavy salty foods aging
- 10. Classification of chronic gastritis Chronic antral gastritis (Type B gastritis) H. Pylori infection (90%) NSAIDs alcohol
- 11. Classification of chronic gastritis Chronic corpus gastritis (Type A gastritis) auto-immunologic factors Chronic pangastritis
- 12. Histology Chronic superficial gastritis Chronic inflammation without glandular atrophy
- 13. Chronic superficial gastritis
- 14. Chronic atrophic gastritis Chronic inflammation with glandular atrophy
- 15. Chronic atrophic gastritis
- 16. Chronic gastritis Active stage: with polymorhpy nuclear neutrophils infiltration Quiescent stage: without polymorhpy nuclear neutrophils infiltration
- 17. Chronic gastritis With Metaplasia: intestinal Psueodopyloric
- 18. Intestinal metaplasia
- 19. chronic gastritis with Dysplasia mild, moderate, severe
- 20. Chronic gastritis with dysplasia
- 21. Clinical Manifestations Most of patients are asymptomatic Dyspepsia: upper abdominal pain or discomfort (bloating, belching, nausea
- 22. Laboratory and other examinations Endoscopy examination with mucosal biopsy the most reliable method for diagnosis
- 23. Endoscopy examination superficial gastritis edema, erythema, exudate, erosion
- 24. Edema erythema
- 25. Atrophic gastritis grey, reduced mucosa folds, submucosal visible vessels
- 26. Visible vessels
- 27. Note imperfect co-relations between endoscopic appearances and histological classification, the final diagnosis should be made by
- 28. Detection of H. pylori Urease test Histology Microbiological culture Breath test: 13C-urea 14C-urea Serology: IgG
- 29. Gastric acid secretion and serology tests Type A gastritis serum anti-parietal cell antibody: (+) serum anti-intrinsic
- 30. Type B gastritis usually in normal range of above tests gastrin and gastric acid secretion decreased
- 31. Etiology Type A auto immunity Type B H.p. Environment factors antrum -- or ↓ ↑ --
- 32. Treatment Exclusion of causative factors smoking, alcohol, NSAIDs, salty food Medication relief of pain: antacid, H2-RA,
- 33. Anti-microbiotic therapy There are still some arguments No a effective, low side-effect and low price medicine
- 34. How should we do? Eradication of H.p. When the patient’s symptom is intractable When the patient
- 35. Surgery Only in chronic gastrits with severe dysplasia , because of dysplasia is regarded as precancerous
- 36. Prognosis Normal mucosa→ CSG → CAG?→ GC There is a risk from atrophic gastritis (especially with
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