Fracking and Health: What the Internist Needs to Know


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Why the boom in natural gas drilling?
What is “fracking”?
Describe Concerns
Review current state

Overview Why the boom in natural gas drilling? What is “fracking”? Describe
of knowledge re: human health effects
Environmental health and Exposure studies
Provide general guidance for evaluating patients with potential exposures & concerns

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Why the boom?

Energy independence
“Greener” than coal or oil
Economic boost
New methods allow for

Why the boom? Energy independence “Greener” than coal or oil Economic boost
accessing previously inaccessible/uneconomical resources

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Hydraulic Fracturing, aka “Fracking”

Hydraulic fracturing: Process of creating fissures in underground formations

Hydraulic Fracturing, aka “Fracking” Hydraulic fracturing: Process of creating fissures in underground
to allow natural gas to flow
First use of hydraulic fracturing was in 1947
Current fracking technique first used in natural gas shales in the late 1990s in Texas
Allows extraction of vast amounts of previously inaccessible hydrocarbons
New technique: horizontal drilling
Shale gas typically contains over 90% methane

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Animation of process

Animation of process

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The average depth of a well is
almost 1.5 miles below the

The average depth of a well is almost 1.5 miles below the earth’s surface

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Materials used

Base Fluid
Silica Sand

Chemical Additives
Anti-microbial agents
Clay stabilizer
Corrosion inhibitor
Gelling Agent
Iron Control
pH Adjusting Agent


Materials used Base Fluid H20 Proppant Silica Sand Chemical Additives Anti-microbial agents
Nature 2012, Schmidt EHP 2011

Waste fluid contaminants: Heavy metals, Radiation, Benzene, Ethylene glycol, etc.

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Why the concern that this could be bad?

Water contamination
Air contamination
Earth quakes
Radiation exposure

Why the concern that this could be bad? Water contamination Air contamination
Population influx
Proporty devaluation

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Who could face risk?

Community residents
First responders

Who could face risk? Workers Community residents First responders

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Documented Human Health Studies

Dish, TX
Blood & urine: toluene
Pavillion, WY
Colorado RN

Documented Human Health Studies None Anecdotal Dish, TX Blood & urine: toluene

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Environmental Health = Public Health

World Health Organization
Social determinants of health
The social determinants

Environmental Health = Public Health World Health Organization Social determinants of health
of health are the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work and age, and the systems put in place to deal with illness. These circumstances are in turn shaped by a wider set of forces: economics, social policies, and politics.
“…it should not be concluded that an absence of data implies that no harm is being done.” (Finkel and Hays, Public Health, 2013)

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Exposure studies pertinent to human health

NIOSH Silica Evaluations
NY/PA methane studies
Colorado School of

Exposure studies pertinent to human health NIOSH Silica Evaluations NY/PA methane studies
Public Health VOC study
Groat University of Texas study
Colborn & Univ of MO studies on chemicals/endocrine disruptors in water

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NIOSH Field Effort

Assessed health risks to oil & gas workers
Silica air sampling

NIOSH Field Effort Assessed health risks to oil & gas workers Silica
greater than OSHA limit
9% of all samples more than 10x the OSHA limit
79% greater than NIOSH limit
31% of all samples more than 10x the NIOSH limit

Esswein et al, J Occ Env Hyg, 2013

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Methane found in well water

Private drinking water wells in northeast PA &

Methane found in well water Private drinking water wells in northeast PA
Methane detected in 82% of houses sampled
methane concentration with proximity to nearest fracking site
Carbon dating suggests related to drilling
No evidence of fracturing fluids

Osborn SG et al. PNAS, 2011
Jackson RB et al. PNAS, 2013.

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Colorado School of Public Health study

Airborne VOCs at levels 5x higher than

Colorado School of Public Health study Airborne VOCs at levels 5x higher
EPA level if live within ½ mile of drilling site
Increased Hazard Indices for subchronic non-cancer risks & cumulative cancer risks

McKenzie et al, Science of the Total Environment. 2012

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University of Texas Energy Institute Study

No aquifer contamination from fracking
No leakage

University of Texas Energy Institute Study No aquifer contamination from fracking No
from fracking at depth
Methane in water wells most likely due to natural sources
Surface spills of fracking fluids likely pose greater risks to groundwater

Groat & Grimshaw. Fact-Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas Development. 2012;

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Colborn 2011 MSDS Review

Colborn et al. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2011.

Colborn 2011 MSDS Review Colborn et al. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2011.

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Endocrine Disruptors in Nearby Water

Kassotis et al, Endocrinology, epub ahead of print,

Endocrine Disruptors in Nearby Water Kassotis et al, Endocrinology, epub ahead of print, Dec 2013
Dec 2013

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EPA Environmental Health Study

5 States
H20, Air, Soil testing
Waste Water
Analyze well design

EPA Environmental Health Study 5 States H20, Air, Soil testing Waste Water
and construction
Conduct “toxicity tests”
Compare pre-drilling to post-drilling

Thompson Nature 2012;

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Pavillion, WY EPA Sampling

Complaints of taste and odor problems from domestic water

Pavillion, WY EPA Sampling Complaints of taste and odor problems from domestic
Methane found
Well blowout
Casings did not extend through areas of accessible water

EPA. Investigation of Ground Water Contamination Near Pavillion, Wyoming, 2011

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Fort Worth, TX-EPA drinking water sampling

12/7/10 – EPA issued “Imminent and Substantial

Fort Worth, TX-EPA drinking water sampling 12/7/10 – EPA issued “Imminent and
Endangerment Order” to protect drinking water
At least 2 residential wells with extremely high levels of methane
Isotopic analysis concludes source from gas production well!opendocument Also, AP Photo/LM Otero @

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Potential Human Health Hazards

Health Effect

Irritant Effects
Eye irritation, headaches, sore throat, difficulty

Potential Human Health Hazards Health Effect Irritant Effects Eye irritation, headaches, sore
breathing, nose bleeds
Exacerbation of asthma & COPD
Heavy metal poisoning
Asphyxiation & explosions in confined spaces; Narcosis

Associated Exposure

VOCs, Ozone, Particulate Matter
Silica sand
Lead, Uranium, Mercury, etc. – depends on what comes up in the brine
Methane; Hydrogen sulfide

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Recommendations for Clinicians

Medical Management
Review of symptoms
Temporal history of symptoms in setting of

Recommendations for Clinicians Medical Management Review of symptoms Temporal history of symptoms
Occupational/Environmental History
Do they use well water?
Neighboring industries?

Focus on:
Irritant symptoms
Hematologic symptoms/labs

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Recommendations for Clinicians

Public Health
Respirator fit-testing
Sentinel case or cluster
If questions or concerns contact:

Recommendations for Clinicians Public Health Respirator fit-testing Sentinel case or cluster Report
NIOSH (1-888-232-6348)
National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.

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How can exposures be controlled and health risks minimized?

Use silica substitute
Engineering controls

How can exposures be controlled and health risks minimized? Occupational Elimination/substituion Use
Personal Protective Equipment
NIOSH-approved Fit-tested Respirator

Increase distance from well sites


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EPA Green Completions

Purpose is to reduce VOCs (that combine with other agents,

EPA Green Completions Purpose is to reduce VOCs (that combine with other
generate NOx, smog, ozone, etc) associated with NGD
Phase 1 – Flare
Phase 2 – Capture gas and make available for use or sale

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What regulation exists for these processes or chemicals?

OSHA Standards
Nothing specific to fracturing

What regulation exists for these processes or chemicals? OSHA Standards Nothing specific

Air: 2012 regulations
Air Toxics
Exempt from Safe Drinking Water Act

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Fracking in Maryland

Moratorium until data gathered
Expected Summer 2014
Activists want another 18 months

Fracking in Maryland Moratorium until data gathered Expected Summer 2014 Activists want
of bar
Supporters warn that Maryland may miss out

Baltimore Sun, 1/8/14

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Conclusions: Fracking & Human Health

Fracking to uncover natural gas stores is an

Conclusions: Fracking & Human Health Fracking to uncover natural gas stores is
expanding industry across the country
Many incompletely understood potential risks to workers and the surrounding community
Lack of transparency heightens public concern
Need for further investigation

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New technology creates opportunities for new, and new ways

FRACKING and the CLINIC New technology creates opportunities for new, and new
to get old, occupational & environmental illness
Be knowledgeable about potential risks
Take the Occupational & Environmental History
Ask about well water
Characterize symptoms based on known and theoretical possibilities for disease
Sentinel case/cluster identification
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