Слайд 2Effective Date:
March 16, 2012

Слайд 3Representatives must submit the following electronically:
Request for appeal forms i561 and i501

Disability Report-Appeal form i3441
And continue to submit paper documentation, such as:
SSA-827, SSA-3881, SSA-1696
Слайд 4If you answer yes to all these questions:
Are you eligible for direct

fee payment?
Слайд 5If you answer yes to all these questions:
Are you eligible for direct

fee payment?
Are you asking us to pay you directly in this particular case?
Слайд 6If you answer yes to all these questions:
Are you eligible for direct

fee payment?
Are you asking us to pay you directly in this particular case?
Did we deny your client’s original claim for medical reasons?
Then you must file the appeal electronically.
Слайд 8Your client has applied for disability benefits

Слайд 9Your client has applied for disability benefits
Your client has received a notice

of decision
Слайд 10Your client has applied for disability benefits
Your client has received a notice

of decision
Your client disagrees with the disability decision and wants to file an appeal
Слайд 11Your client has applied for disability benefits
Your client has received a notice

of decision
Your client disagrees with the disability decision and wants to file an appeal
You client lives in the United States or one of its territories
Слайд 12Contact Social Security at:
(TTY) 1-800-325-0778

Слайд 13Visit the website:

Слайд 14Hours of Operation
Weekdays: 5am - 1am ET

Слайд 15Hours of Operation
Weekdays: 5am - 1am ET
Saturdays: 5am – 11pm ET

Слайд 16Hours of Operation
Weekdays: 5am - 1am ET
Saturdays: 5am – 11pm ET
Sundays: 8am

– 10pm ET
Слайд 17Hours of Operation
Weekdays: 5am - 1am ET
Saturdays: 5am – 11pm ET
Sundays: 8am

– 10pm ET
Select Holidays: 5am – 11pm ET
Слайд 18It can take up to
1 hour to complete the forms online.

Слайд 19First Part:
Disability Internet Appeal Request
20 mins

Слайд 20Second Part:
Disability Report
40 mins

Слайд 22Your client’s name, Social Security Number, address, and phone number

Слайд 23Your client’s name, Social Security Number, address, and phone number
Your client’s Notice

of Decision
Слайд 24Your client’s name, Social Security Number, address, and phone number
Your client’s Notice

of Decision
Your name, address, and phone number
Слайд 25Your client’s name, Social Security Number, address, and phone number
Your client’s Notice

of Decision
Your name, address, and phone number
The name, address, and phone number of a friend or relative who knows about your client’s medical condition
Слайд 26A description of any changes in previously reported medical conditions

Слайд 27A description of any changes in previously reported medical conditions
New medical conditions

Слайд 28A description of any changes in previously reported medical conditions
New medical conditions

name, address, phone number, type of treatment, and visit dates for all doctors, hospitals, and clinics
Слайд 29The names of over-the-counter and prescription medicines your client currently takes, who

prescribed them, and any side effects
Слайд 30The names of over-the-counter and prescription medicines your client currently takes, who

prescribed them, and any side effects
The name, location, and date of all medical tests you have had and who
sent your client for them
Слайд 32Your answers are saved automatically when you select “Next”

Слайд 33Your answers are saved automatically when you select “Next”
To complete the appeal

later, you can select "Sign Off finish later" after you receive a reentry number.
Слайд 34Your answers are saved automatically when you select “Next”
To complete the appeal

later, you can select "Sign Off finish later" after you receive a reentry number.
You can print the summary page for your records.
Слайд 35We recommend you make sure your printer is working properly before you

begin the application.
Слайд 36We recommend you make sure your printer is working properly before you

begin the application.
If you want a copy of all of your answers, you will need to print or save each page.
Слайд 37We recommend you make sure your printer is working properly before you

begin the application.
If you want a copy of all of your answers, you will need to print or save each page.
When printing, use the print feature located in your web browser.
Слайд 38You will receive a time limit warning if you have been working

on one page for longer than 25 minutes.
If you would like to continue, select the option to continue working on that page when you see this message.
Слайд 39After three 25 minute warnings, you must move onto the next screen

to prevent your information from being lost.
Слайд 40Items marked with an asterisk (*)
are required.

Слайд 41Items marked with an asterisk (*)
are required.
To navigate within the appeal,

use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons.
Слайд 42Items marked with an asterisk (*)
are required.
To navigate within the appeal,

use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons.
Do not use the “Back” button or “X” located in your browser.
Слайд 43You can use the “Sign Off (finish later)” button once you have

obtained your reentry number.
Слайд 44You can use the “Sign Off (finish later)” button once you have

obtained your reentry number.
The summary pages have edit buttons if you would like to change information you entered.
Слайд 56Print your reentry number and receipt.

Слайд 57Print your reentry number and receipt.
Guard your reentry number carefully.

Слайд 58Print your reentry number and receipt.
Guard your reentry number carefully.
The medical information

we gather is necessary.
Слайд 594. Use the “Sign Off (finish later)” button to come back another time

or select “Next” to continue.
Слайд 60Three Sections of the Disability Report
About You
Medical History
Review and Send

Слайд 85Monday - Friday
7 am – 7 pm (local) at
1-800-772-1213 or

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