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In 1990-2000 . - Internet is opened to everyone, including businesses and

История In 1990-2000 . - Internet is opened to everyone, including businesses and private citizens.
private citizens.

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Regional computer networks, combined with the global Internet.

Internet Regional computer networks, combined with the global Internet.

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Internet services

Who is the most popular Internet services - is:  
world Wide

Internet services Who is the most popular Internet services - is: world
 Web Forums  
Online shops
 Online auctions  
social networks
 E-mail and mailing lists
 file-sharing networks  
Electronic payment systems
 Internet Radio
 Internet TV IPTV
 FTP- servers
 search engines
 Internet advertising  
multiplayer Games

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Browser - a computer program for browsing the web .


browsers Browser - a computer program for browsing the web . There
are many browsers. Most popular : Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari , and Opera.

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Search engines

Search engine - hardware and software system with a web interface

Search engines Search engine - hardware and software system with a web
that provides the ability to search information on the Internet . Under the search engine usually refers to a site on which is placed interface ( front-end ) system. The software part of the search engine is a search engine ( search engine ) - a set of programs that enable the search engine and is usually a trade secret developer's search engine.

According to the company Net Applications use of search engines is as follows:
Google - 70,91%;
Baidu - 16,51%;
Yahoo! - 5,95%;
Bing - 5,48%;

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Search engines

Search engines

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(From the English. To chat - chat)  Chat - a chat on

chat (From the English. To chat - chat) Chat - a chat
the Internet, when the conversation is conducted in real time. The content of the chat is only "here and now" - looks like a chat window in which there is a stream of messages from all participants in the chat. To chat, you just need to choose a name that you "appear" in it, and send a chat message that will appear in the general stream.  Archives chats in pure form, as a rule, do not make sense, because the text looks solid hodgepodge, which is very difficult to know who is who and what message is sent. .

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distance education

Distance learning - the interaction between teachers and students is at

distance education Distance learning - the interaction between teachers and students is
a distance , which reflects all the typical components of the learning process (goals, content, methods , organizational forms , learning tools ) and realized by means of specific Internet technologies or other means , including interactive .

Distance education technologies using the Internet are used for the development of specific training courses both users and for higher education . The following main forms of distance learning : online and offline. Education through the Internet has a number of advantages:

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